Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Blue-Ringed Octopus Essay Essays
Blue-Ringed Octopus Essay Essays Blue-Ringed Octopus Essay Paper Blue-Ringed Octopus Essay Paper The blue-ringed octopus lives in shallow reefs and tide pools in the Pacific Ocean. regularly at deepnesss runing from 0 to 20m ( Sheedy and Beasley. 2003 ) . There are four sorts of blue-ringed Octopuses ( family Hapalochlaena ) : ( 1 ) the more prominent blue-ringed octopus ( Hapalochlaena lunulata ) ; ( 2 ) the southern blue-ringed octopus or lesser blue-ringed octopus ( Hapalochlaena maculosa ) ; ( 3 ) the blue-lined octopus ( Hapalochlaena fasciata ) ; and ( 4 ) Hapalochlaena nierstraszi. first depicted in the twelvemonth 1938 from an individual example found in the Bay of Bengal ( Blue-Ringed Octopus. 2007 ) . The blue-ringed octopus utilizes its cuticular chromatophore cells to disguise itself until it is incited. Before it is incited. its shading may change from dim earthy colored to dull xanthous ( Interesting Animals ) . When incited. the octopus fleetly changes its shading to splendid xanthous with either pale blue rings or lines. The blue-ringed octopus commonly chases little pediculosis pubiss. anchorite pediculosis pubis. what's more, pipsqueak. In add-on. the octopus is ever prepared to seize with teeth its assailant whenever incited or stepped on ( Blue-Ringed Octopus ) . In spite of the fact that it develops to a maximal length of 200mm when its natural structure is entirely scattered out. what's more, typically has all the earmarks of being about the size of a golf ball. the blue-ringed octopus may execute a person with a nibble inside proceedingss ( Sheedy and Beasley ) . The individual nibbled by a blue-ringed octopus does non experience harming. Or maybe. the individual in question would first experience disgusting. At a similar clasp. their vision would go murky. Following a couple of moments. the individual would turn daze. The person in question would other than lose the feeling of touch. other than going incapable to talk or get down. Three proceedingss therefore. the individual is required to turn disabled. furthermore, go unfit to slowly inhale ( Interesting Animals ) . BLUE-RINGED OCTOPUS Page # 2 The toxicant of the blue-ringed octopus is contained in its spit. The spit originates from two secretory organs. every one of which is each piece huge as the encephalon of the octopus. Toxic substance from one of the secretory organs is utilized on the main quarry of the blue-ringed octopus †the crab. This toxicant is similarly innocuous to human presences. The toxicant from the second secretory organ is the truly hurtful one. fusing some maculotoxin which is a neurolysin that can end up being more grounded than the venom of every single vivify being found ashore. The venom other than contains 5-hydroxytryptamine. spreading factor. tyramine. histamine. tryptamine. octopamine. taurine. acetylcholine. what's more, Dopastat ; and is 10. multiple times more remarkable than nitrile ( Blue-Ringed Octopus ; Sheedy and Beasley ) . This toxicant. of class. fills in as a resistance against raiders. The blue-ringed octopus is known to either mystery its toxicant in the region of the quarry. delay until the quarry is fixed before it eats up its quarry ; or just jump out and include the quarry in its arms and seize with teeth it ( Interesting Animals ) . The most toxicant octopus known to man is a delicate bodied being. Other than like the rest of the octopuses known to man. it has eight weaponries or arms ( Interesting Animals ) . The blue-ringed octopus lives in crevices or gaps ; tunnels as an organization of inferring assurance ; and promotes its harmfulness when incited like all different octopuses. Likewise. the blue-ringed octopus hatches from an egg ( one of 60-100 at a clasp ) and is about the size of a pea toward a mind-blowing start. This octopus develops and develops rather quickly until it arrives at its adult size. Its life expectation is around two mature ages ( Sheedy and Beasley ) . BLUE-RINGED OCTOPUS Page # 3 Notices 1. Blue-Ringed Octopus. ( 2007. Walk 11 ) . Wikipedia. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/en. wikipedia. organization/wiki/Blue-ringed_octopus. ( 15 March 2007 ) . 2. Intriguing Animals. Did you cognize? Recovered from hypertext move convention:/www. didyouknow. organization/list. hypertext markup language. ( 15 March 2007 ) . 3. Sheedy. John. furthermore, Same Beasley. ( 2003. April 1 ) . The Blue-Ringed Octopus. Earlham College. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/www. earlham. edu/~sheedjo/blue-ringedoctopus. htm. ( 15 March 2007 ) .
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Effective Tips On Writing Anthropology Essays
Compelling Tips On Writing Anthropology Essays Human sciences Essay: Writing a â€Å"A†Grade Essay Numerous understudies consider this to be of exposition as difficult to handle. The tips we give will guarantee that you develop a top class human sciences exposition and improve your composing abilities. There exist various characteristics at various levels relying upon the kind of human studies exposition you are dealing with. All these are talked about underneath. The principal request recorded as a hard copy a human sciences article is picking a subject that you are acquainted with. A wide scope of research is reasonable in empowering you to concoct an exposition that will promise you top notch grades Basic work And Overall Advice on Writing It is critical to peruse your task a few times so as to get a handle on the substance and comprehend what is expected of you. In the event that you don't comprehend explicit parts, it is prudent to counsel your educator. This will stay away from odds of re-trying your work since you set out on examine that is out of the topic required. Guarantee that you read all segments of your task, to diminish odds of missing indispensable directions and subtleties. In the event that you go off your subject be guaranteed that your evaluations will be beneath normal. Focus on basic directions that manage your paper. At the point when you are required to remark on an issue, you should realize that portrayal isn't sufficient. Where you are required to do an investigation, use the correct apparatuses for examination where required. Try not to go amiss away from the configuration required. This ought to be done toward the beginning of your work to forestall time wastage where you need to reformat your entire work. Literary theft is a tremendous issue that may end redesigning your work underneath the normal necessity. Ensure your work is unique. The uniqueness of your human studies task depends incredibly on giving references to scholarly assets and giving an away from of the list of sources segment. To guarantee that all data that has been sourced has been all around refered to and are in accordance with the organization rules. All sources you utilize ought to be solid. Basic sources incorporate books, diary articles, and measurable sources. Free reference book articles, Wikipedia, gatherings, and web journals are a portion of the sources that can't be used. It is prudent to utilize cites from your sources since they add worth and believability to a contention presented. In any case, recollect that exploration is the most extreme significant part of composing your paper. The more the nearness of one of a kind thoughts there is on your work, the more noteworthy the genuineness of your work. Remember to offer your input concerning the point to permit the peruser to comprehend where you stand and the viewpoint that impacts this. Additionally concerning cites, ensure you counsel the educator about utilizing them. On the off chance that no guidelines are offered, guarantee the measure of both immediate and aberrant statements utilized don't surpass 30% of the all out content. Modification is one of the most fundamental pieces of your humanities look into paper. Reconsidering a paper establishes of two levels; the surface-level of update, and the top to bottom degree of amendment. The surface-level amendment incorporates altering and editing your work, which remedies language structure and spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and styles used to make your report. The inside and out modification is related with the game plan of the content substance to meet the prerequisites of the composition. It is very disastrous that the vast majority of the understudy don't set aside effort to do the update of their work. Guarantee that you play out an intensive update of your human sciences exposition at the two levels to ensure achievement in your work. Creating a Successful Anthropology Essay Paper Target crowd: Wouldn’t you think that its simpler if the work you were taking care of was equivalent to that you did in secondary school, just tending to individuals from your group and the educator? When composing a human studies article paper, getting passing marks may be your definitive point. Yet, remember that odds are countless individuals will undoubtedly peruse your paper over the long haul. You are required to choose both the style and jargon you will use to address your intended interest group. Tending to various perspectives on individuals who may peruse your work, your kindred understudies will comprehend your work with no troubles. As a strategy for guaranteeing your humanities exposition work is superbly done, you should keep an eye on the accessibility and portrayal of the accompanying territories: An elegantly composed presentation of your paper, which incorporates the postulation proclamation and the snare. Works refered to All around put proof of each point, contained solid contentions to help your work Clarification of the significance of your theme A valid clarification of every idea you utilize that worries the theme An elegantly composed end which gives firm validity, pertinence, and affirmation to your perusers Recall not to ignore an issue that should be tended to. This brings down your latent capacity grade. Organizing the Thesis: The initial step includes recording your blueprint. This is a significant part as it encourages you structure your humanities exposition paper. The proposition proclamation is the fundamental thought that you are to give focuses and contend about in your paper. You may likewise characterize it as an engaged theme for conversation introduced from your point of view. Your theory explanation must be straight forward and brief, and use all things considered a solitary sentence to communicate it regardless of the length of your human studies article paper. Body passages: the start of each body section should begin with the theme sentence. While making your diagram, you ought to record them as they help make a bearing for your contention. The course of action of your article paper: The association structure of your human sciences exposition ought to give a sensible progression of thoughts. Your teacher may give you a structure to utilize, or on the other hand, you will structure your own. All things considered, it is central that you have a crated structure to communicate data with respect to your subject of research. Proof: Make sure that your proposal and the point sentences are masterminded as needs be, and conform to the general structure of a dependable diagram. To build up the proof, you have to think of the correct angles that help your proof; cites, points of interest, measurements, information, and so forth. Unwavering quality of your paper: the paper you make must be clear. There ought to be no unaddressed parts inside your body passages. The theme sentences you structure need to give an away from of view, with the contentions made identifying with their particular point sentences. Transitional sentences: similarly as subject sentences, they are essential in the organizing of the humanities paper you are dealing with. They are utilized toward the finish of passages to interface them and empower a coherent progression of thoughts. Keep up the rationale and consistency: - the tone and style of your paper need to continue as before from the beginning as far as possible of your paper. Now and again, a switch may be required, yet you are urged to keep up consistency all through your human studies exposition paper Making decisions: an end may possess the volume of a solitary passage or an entire area. Regardless of the length, it should start with you repeating your proposition, a summative book containing considerable outcomes identified with your examination, and wrap up your conversation. Be that as it may, if the conversation needs all the more clarifying when you arrive at this stage; you are required to feature the point of view of your further research. Matters of Style A few basic perspectives must be considered as you compose your humanities article paper. This incorporates: The voice: - this order of the voice implies if the activity is finished by an individual, or an item communicated by a thing or pronoun in the capacity of the subject, or on the off chance that it itself encounters another person’s activity. Utilization of a functioning voice: - This suggests the subject is the one doing the activity. For example, â€Å"Anthropology understudies increment their insight in issues identified with the development of the general public, and the correspondence styles individuals use under both social and organic influences.†Even with the utilization of a respectable language structure checker, you will see that the utilization of a detached voice is viewed as an error worth amending. It merits referencing that understudies are instructed against the utilization with respect to latent voice in this kind of paper. Keep away from Wordiness: a latent voice may impact a tedious human studies article paper. Clichã ©s and outlandish developments likewise impact the tedium of your article. Continuously recollect that the nature of your work matters more than the quantity of words used to develop it. Different highlights: to guarantee you think of a fathomable bit of work, use parallelism and understanding. The understanding includes making the number and character of all the sentence parts fit. Parallelism additionally includes coordinating where all pieces of a rundown or sentence utilize the equivalent syntactic structure. Both of these viewpoints are basic in the composition of a human sciences exposition which has a significant impact of the last grade you are granted.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Late-Night Juggler
The Late-Night Juggler Note: The following is adapted from an article I wrote for CMS.350, or 21st-Century Journalism. Walking around MIT means running into awesome people like Smyly, and I figured you might want to hear about him too :-) Its three in the morning and MITs campus is, for once, pretty much quiet. Walking up the main steps into Lobby 7, the tweetweet-druhdruhdrum sound of the crossing signal on Mass Ave is still audible as you pass through the front doors. Inside, the air is still and silent, with only the faint hum of those Zamboni things which are busy scrubbing the hallways to a dull, dirt-free sheen. In front of you is the Infinite Corridor: by day, its the main artery for foot traffic among academic buildings, but at this hour a flys footfall would be distinctly heard. As you walk down the Infinite, you begin to hear a distinct patter coming from somewhere along the hallways length. Halfway along, the Infinite opens up into Lobby 10, the grand chamber which originally served as MITs front entrance. The patter you heard has grown louder, and is noticeable as a rapid clack-clack-clack-clack coming from in front of the elevators. Curious, you peer into the antechamber abutting the lobby. Standing there is a man with a ponytail and goatee. He wears black pants and a blue button-down, with an e-cigarrette among his personals nearby. His head is bowed in concentration at the floor in front of him, where his hands are directing seven red balls to patter against the floor in a quick-paced rhythm. He is juggling. You know juggling is really good for your brain. Studies have shown that its good for your brain. The first thing you realize when you go talk to Nicholas Ferri is that he really likes juggling. Nearly every sentence out of his mouth ends with a tidbit about why juggling is important for the body, mind and soul. His dedication goes far enough that he prefers to go by his stage name, Smyly the Juggler. And you wouldnt know it looking at him, but he has been practicing late-night juggling, every week, at MIT for the last twenty-four years, since 1990. At twelve years old, Smyly worked near Quincy Market in downtown Boston as a shoe-shine boy. Shoe shining wasnt a particularly time-consuming profession, so a young Smyly began to learn tricks and skills from the other local vendors, including the art of juggling. In short order, he then found the MIT Juggling Clubâ€"which met regularly at the Instituteâ€"and hes been practicing his craft in Lobby 10 ever since. Over the years, Smylys nocturnal presence has made him a regular in the Infinite, as well as a friend to the janitorial staff and the campus police alike. He has come to serve as the de facto guardian of Lobby 10, which itself acts as a memorial to those in the MIT community lost during World War I. If people try to disrespect the environment, Smyly handles them: Doing somethingâ€"bouncing something off the wall? You don’t do that, it’s a memorial. Writing something on the wall? You don’t do that. Whats particularly amazing about Smylys status in the Infinite is how he holds no connection to MIT itself. He has never been a student; hes never been a TA for a class; hes not in the MIT directory. He comes back each week to meetings of the MIT Juggling Club, which does not possess any current student members. The Juggling Club was founded back in the 70s by then-MIT-student Arthur Lewbell, and the club has remained within MITs halls ever since. (If youre interested in juggling at MIT, you can also join the similarly-named-but-distinct group, the MIT Student Juggling Club.) Smyly himself is only affiliated through this non-student club: how, then, can he be allowed on campus so late at night? The answer lies in MITs open campus policy, which allows the public to roam the Institute’s hallways without escort or a limit to visiting hours. This allows for streams of short-term guests that MIT sees on a daily basis, but also grants someone like Smyly the ability to spend his nights practicing his craft within the Infinite. The merits of the open campus policy have been debated time and again over the decades in light of a larger conversation concerning campus security, but if anything Smyly is a living example of why its amazing that MIT keeps its doors open around the clock. Almost a quarter of a century after first juggling in the Infinite, Smyly stays through the early morning and protects his corner of a college which has come to adopt him, despite no direct link. I was here juggling last night until probably 4:30, didnt get to bed until six in the morning, said Smyly, I go home, I watch The Cleveland Show, I go to bed, you know? He chuckled. Cleveland Show thats my show. Before saying good night, however, he made a point to bring the conversation back to his favorite topic. I was then invited to an upcoming juggling event. If youre interested, theres some video of Smyly online: Oh, and theres this, too.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Characteristics Of Gilgamesh - 712 Words
The Epic of Gilgamesh narrates the life of Gilgamesh which demonstrates a clear idea of who he was and how his character evolved throughout his journey, depending on who he met. Gilgamesh was known as the King of the city of Uruk who was not very well liked by many people. Despite there have been many versions of Gilgamesh that has been passed down for years, Gilgamesh was always portrayed as a strong and mighty ruler who had and got what he wanted, undeterred by how his people felt. Like most modern heroes, Gilgamesh can be seen with the characteristics such as intelligence, physical strength, and bravery. The main characteristic that describes Gilgamesh is his intelligence. Gilgamesh may not seem intelligent to most readers because of†¦show more content†¦With the blessing of the sun god Shamash [Enkidu and Gilgamesh] succeed, and they cut down some magnificent trees that float down the Euphrates River to Mesopotamia†(The Epic of Gilgamesh 96-97). Gilgamesh and Enki du, his equal, kills Humbaba successfully not only because they were blessed by Shamash, but most importantly because of Gilgamesh’s pure strength. Even without the blessing of Shamash, there isn’t a doubt that Gilgamesh and Enkidu could have successfully finished off the giant, Humbaba. Not only is Gilgamesh physically strong, but he is certainly brave. Bravery is also an important depiction of Gilgamesh throughout The Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was brave in most of the events in the epic, but the main component was after Enkidu died and he went out of his way to try to find immortality (The Epic of Gilgamesh 97). Throughout the epic, Gilgamesh’s character seems to evolve after the death of Enkidu and this is the turning point for him. â€Å"He braves monsters, runs along the sun’s path under the earth at night, encounters a mysterious woman who keeps a tavern at the edge of the world, passes a garden of jeweled trees, crosses the waters of death, and finally arrives at the doorstep of Utanapishtim and his wife†(The Epic of Gilgamesh 97). When Gilgamesh encountered Utanapishtim, he was doubted at first, but he did not give up. Gilgamesh did what he was told even if he failed at certain tasks and ended up withShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics Of Gilgamesh1021 Words  | 5 Pagesancient literature, we see many characters play the role of a hero. In Gilgamesh, he plays the role of a tragic hero. Gilgamesh was created by the gods. Gilgamesh was feared for his god-like strength and aggression, but later, the audience pities him when we see his sorrow spirit from his friends death. Gilgamesh was perceived as being extremely strong. What made Gilgamesh a hero, is the battles he fought to become strong. Gilgamesh defeated monsters through his physical strength and endurance. He createdRead More Characteristics of Gilgamesh and Enkidu in Fosters The Epic of Gilgamesh835 Words  | 4 Pagesones. In the book, The Epic of Gilgamesh, by Benjamin Foster, both Gilgamesh and Enkidu had positive and negative characteristics that affected the outcome of their journey and their adventures they experienced throughout their lives. Gilgamesh was considered a hero because he had many great qualities, such as loyalty, perseverance, and heroism. Although these are heroic traits, he also had his flaws and was self-righteous, selfish, and prideful. Gilgamesh was a great man and was seen asRead MoreThe Characteristics Of A Hero Journey In The Epic Of Gilgamesh1035 Words  | 5 Pageshero story is present in a variety of the arts ranging from the earliest surviving work of literature, to children’s books, to modern day motion picture masterpieces. The characteristics of a hero have withstood the test of time, and remained remarkably similar. Traits of a modern day hero can be traced back to â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh†which dates back to two-thousand BC. This reflects the power of a hero and its message that it portrays to audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The ability to captureRead More The Epic of Gilgamesh is Truely an Epic Essay1690 Words  | 7 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh is Truel y an Epic An epic is an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.  The main characteristics of an epic as a literary genre is that it is a long poem that tells a story, it contains an epic hero, its hero searches for immortality (but doesnt find it physically, only through fame), gods or other supernatural beings are interested and involved, and it delivers an historical message. Read MoreGilgamesh704 Words  | 3 Pagessupernatural enemies, quests, war, or adversity. The Epic of Gilgamesh depicts most of these characteristics of epic heroism. The description about his birth to the journey and adventures in his life meets the characteristics of an epic hero. Although, at some points, Gilgamesh engages in acts of selfishness and arrogance, I believe he achieves the characteristics of an epic hero and portrays those characteristics throughout the epic. Gilgamesh is described as a son of a mortal man and a goddess, whichRead MoreBeowulf And The Epic Of Gilgamesh1667 Words  | 7 Pagessociety, a hero is viewed as someone who embodies the characteristics of selflessness, courage, honesty, and integrity. The same characteristics were essential to be thought of as a hero 3,000 years ago as well. Two of the most widely known epic poems of their time were Beowulf and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Both Beowulf and Gilgamesh embody traits known exclusively of a hero. The poem of Beowulf and The Epic Gilgamesh both showcase the characteristics required of being an epic, in that they include a heroRead MoreSimilarities Of Mythical Heroes781 Words  | 4 PagesMythical heroes have more similarities than differences. They are all heroes that should carry the same characteristics and have more similarities than differences. In all of the myths, the heroes have shown characteristics, which helped them in different ways. Similar to Isis and Gilgamesh Determination. The young girl’s preparation to escape the house and Finn McCool’s Wife (Oonagh) preparation to take the massive giant back. Gilgamesh’s bravery to fight the big giant Humbaba and Oonagh’s BraveryRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 975 Words  | 4 Pagesof Gilgamesh, a book written millenniums ago, is the story of a two-thirds god and one third man named Gilgamesh who is devoted to the self-improvement of full god. Even though Gilgamesh knows immortality is impossible he continues to seek the self- improvement eternal life because the god within him conflicts with his humanity. Since Gilgamesh has two-thirds god in him, he gets everything he desires except immortality. Due to the fact that it was the one thing he couldn t have, Gilgamesh setsRead MoreThe Role of Enkidu Essay1064 Words  | 5 PagesHerbert Mason’s interpretation of an extract of the Epic of Gilgamesh lacks a large amount of text and the legendary hero so common in later epics such as Odyssey and Beowulf. Because the later epics are considered to be based on the Epic of Gilgamesh it is important to consider why, in Mason’s translation, is there a lack of an impressive amount of text and of a legendary hero. While it is effortless to attribute the missing characteristics of the story to the translation, the events of the story suggestRead MoreEpic Passages of The Epic of Gilgamesh and Homers Odyssey921 Words  | 4 Pagesdefinition of a hero has evolved over time through both written word and human experiences, so what is a hero? In the two epic passages The Epic of Gilgam esh and Homers Odyssey, heroism appears to be a clear distinction with the literature, and has the same basic framework as today’s definition of a hero. Historically, in the texts, heroes such as Gilgamesh and Odysseus are protagonists viewed and credited with great bravery and most certainly heroism. Nearly all of the heroic figures throughout time
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
How to Improve and Retain Your German Fluency
Here are some suggestions to help you with your goal to improve your German. Surround yourself in German:Label your home, your workplace with German words. And dont label with nouns only. Do colours, verbs (such as à ¶ffnen /open and schließen /close on a door), adjectives (e.g. rauh/rough, weich/soft on different textures).Paste the conjugation of verbs you have difficulties with on your bathroom mirror.Change the settings on your computer to German.Have a German site as your homepage.Learn at least one German word a day: More if you can retain them. Then practice it on someone that day or write it in a sentence, so that it becomes part of your spoken vocabulary and not just your comprehension vocabulary.Write in German every day: Keep a journal or diary, get an e pen-pal or join the one-on-one classes on our forum. Write your to-do lists in German.Read in German every day: Read, read, read!Subscribe to a German newspaper/magazine, a German-American newspaper or read German magazines/newspapers online.Use a German cookbook.Read childrens books. They expo se you to basic vocabulary, dont have much jargon and often use repetition. As your vocabulary increases, try older childrens/youth books.Read dual-language books. They give you the satisfaction of reading more advanced classic books.Listen to German every day: Challenge yourself to watch a German podcast, show etc. or listen to German music every day.Find a German buddy: If there are no Germans near where you live, pair up with someone else who is learning German and commit yourselves to speaking only German with each other.Practice wherever you go: Though limited in a non-German speaking country, with some creativity, you can get some daily German practice. Every little bit helps.Become involved in your local German club: Also try the universitys Kaffeeklatsch, the Goethe-Institute. Depending where you live, you may have the opportunity to attend German festivities, German film screenings, book clubs etc. If no such thing exists in your community, why not create your own German c lub? Even just a simple evening of German board games with two or three people will enrich your German learning experience.Take a German course: Check out your community college, university or language schools for courses. Study for a German proficiency test this year.Study/Work in Germany: Many German organizations and institutions offer scholarships or grants for a study abroad experience.Most important resolution to always keep: Believe that you can and will learn German.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Warning Signs on Short Scholarship Essay Samples You Must Be Aware Of
Warning Signs on Short Scholarship Essay Samples You Must Be Aware Of What Is So Fascinating About Short Scholarship Essay Samples? That's why you truly have to take into account what school you go to. For your college scholarship essay, you might be asked about your career objectives. I am in need of financial help so as to attend college because I'm a low-income student. In any case, the scholarship will give me the opportunity to advance my interpersonal skills at a greater level. New Step by Step Roadmap for Short Scholarship Essay Samples The judges want to know you with nice and bad. Some individuals have short attention span so that you will need to have the writing skills to create your point with merely a few words. As a Master's student in the united states, I plan to compose articles on such subjects from the view of someone born, raised, and educated in Africa. This example proves that even for an engineer with years of experience in the specialty, the basics o f private essay writing remain the exact same. Short Scholarship Essay Samples - Overview There's a greater prospect of the scholarship committee throwing the essay paper in case it doesn't concentrate on this issue. Having us to fix any of the issues which you may face when coming up with scholarship essay topics will be wise for you. Make certain you have enough time to study the topic, make an outline and reread your essay many times. If you're asking for a scholarship, odds are you're likely to should compose an essay. When you compose a brief essay, you must keep in mind that there are not any elements to be sacrificed. For writing your scholarship essay, the very first point is to produce a great outline. You don't need to possess the very best writing skills as a way to be creative and compose an effective essay. A superb essay is one which leaves an enduring impression. Short essays are still spend the type of formal essay because the parts will need to get included in it. Of all Of the forms of essay, writing a quick essay may appear to be the easiest. The outstanding part about it's that you aren't required to sign in for your purchase. Your future is dependent on it. Thus, you don't need to fret about your private information whenever you order with us. There might be challenges to locate a dependable and reliable service provider to work on your assignments. Whatever They Told You About Short Scholarship Essay Samples Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Especially since scholarships aren't easy to get, and judges are extremely harsh. Not everybody can afford excellent education, and that's why some people choose to join the institution's scholarship program. Among the necessities of a university or a college is a quick scholarship essay. The scholarship committee would like to observe how investing in your education will aid your career. Many students seek scholarship so the financial facets of studying would be less of a burden in their opinion. Being part of an excellent educational institution can be very costly. Buy essays from us and you could always rest assured of excellent paper that may assure you quality grade. It's simple to point out an essay which has been written solely for the interest of it. These kinds of essays are guaranteed to doze off your readers. When these essays may seem to be a little step toward your future, they're a step nonetheless. By the close of the essay, the reader ought to have a complete comprehension of who you are and what you would like to accomplish. Adhere to a narrative structure when building your essay, it'll be simpler for you to tell your individual experiences. You won't have the ability to compose an outstanding essay in case you don't devote your soul to it. The very first thing you may want to do before writing any essay for this matter is to follow along with the directions. Write an outline, building a list of the main features you are prepared to include to the text. The samples on this list provides you with a crystal clear image of exactly what you should be making. If you are in need of a website that will supply you with a thorough collection of samples, then you're at the appropriate place. Today, there are lots of on-line websites that provide sample papers. You're able to download 1 paper each day free of charge, or share your own writings and find an unlimited accessibility to the paper base. You must look through some formatting guides and focus on the specifications your institution gave you concerning the paper format. It's natural for students not to bear in mind all details and rules of formatting. It's evident that most students find it difficult to submit completely free error sample essay for financial need scholarship since mostly they give plagiarized content since they copy the precise information found on the web. The Downside Risk of Short Scholarship Essay Samples Without knowing good essay making, your likelihood of going into a very good college are slim. What you will need is something which can enable you to get in. Consider your main selling points the things that showyouare the perfect candidate. The scholarships you find are likely to fit into specific themes that you must have the ability to identify so as to save your family time, frustration, stress, and most significantly money.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Mesopotamian Art and Arquitecture Essay Example For Students
Mesopotamian Art and Arquitecture Essay Mesopotamian Art and ArchitectureThe arts and buildings of the ancient Middle Easterncivilizations developed in the area (now Iraq) between theTigris and Euphrates rivers from prehistory to the 6thcentury BC. Their art reflects both their love and fear of natural forces, as well as their military conquests. The soil of Mesopotamia yielded the civilizationsmajor building material, mud brick. This clay also was usedby the Mesopotamians for their pottery, terra-cottasculpture, and writing tablets. Few wooden artifacts havebeen preserved. Stone was rare, and certain types had tobe imported; basalt, sandstone, diorite, and alabaster wereused for sculpture. Metals such as bronze, copper, gold,and silver, as well as shells and precious stones, wereused for sculptures and inlays. The art of Mesopotamia includes a mix from peoplewho differed ethnicly and linguistically. Each of thesegroups made its own contribution to art until the Persianconquest of the 6th century BC. The first dominant peo pleto control the region and shape its art were the non-SemiticSumerians, followed by the Semitic Akkadians,Babylonians, and Assyrians. The earliest architectural and artistic remains knownto date come from northern Mesopotamia from theproto-Neolithic site of Qermez Dere in the foothills of theJebel Sinjar. Levels dating to the 9th millennium BC haverevealed round sunken huts outfitted with one or twoplastered pillars with stone cores. When the buildings wereabandoned, human skulls were placed on the floors,indicating some sort of ritual. Artifacts from the late Uruk and Jamdat Nasr periods,also (about 3500-2900 BC), have been found at several sites, but the major site was the city of Uruk. The majorbuilding from level five at Uruk (about 3500 BC) is theLimestone Temple; its superstructure is not preserved, butlimestone slabs on a layer of stamped earth show that itwas niched and monumental in size, measuring 250 x 99ft. Some buildings at Uruk of level four were decorated withcolorful cones inset into the walls to form geometricpatterns. Another technique that was used waswhitewashing, as in the White Temple, which gets its namefrom its long, narrow, whitewashed inner shrine. It was builtin the area of Uruk dedicated to the Sumerian sky god Anu. The White Temple stood about 40 ft above the plain, on ahigh platform, prefiguring the ziggurat, the stepped tower,typical Mesopotamian religious structure that was intendedto bring the priest or king nearer to a particular god, or toprovide a platform where the deity could descend to visitthe worshipers. A few outstanding stone sculptures were unearthed atUruk. The most beautiful is a white limestone head of awoman or goddess (about 3500-3000 BC), with eyebrows,large open eyes, and a central part in her hair, all intendedfor inlay. A tall alabaster vase (about 3500-3000 BC), withhorizontal bands, or registers, depicts a procession at thetop, with a king presenting a basket of fruit to Inanna,goddess of fertility and love, or her priestess; nude priestsbringing offerings in the central band; and at the bottom arow of animals over a row of plants. The first historical epoch of Sumerian dominancelasted from about 3000 BC until about 2340 BC. Whileearlier architectural traditions continued, a new type ofbuilding was introduced, the temple oval, an enclosure witha central platform supporting a shrine. City-states centeredat such cities as Ur, Umma, Lagash, Kish, and Eshnunnawere headed by governors or kings who were notconsidered divine. Much of the art is commemorative;plaques, frequentl y depicting banquet scenes, celebratevictories or the completion of a temple. These were oftenused as boundary stones, as was the limestone stele(Louvre, Paris) of King Eannatum from Lagash. In tworegisters on one side of the stele the king is depictedleading his army into battle; on the other side the godNingirsu, symbolically represented as much larger than ahuman, holds the net containing the defeated enemy. TheStandard of Ur (about 2700 BC) a wooden plaque inlaidwith shell, schist, lapis lazuli, and pinkish stone, has threebands of processions and religious scenes. The Semitic Akkadians gradually rose to power in thelate 24th century BC; under Sargon I (about 2335-2279BC), they extended their rule over Sumer and united thewhole of Mesopotamia. Little Akkadian art remains, butwhat has survived is endowed with technical mastery, greatenergy, and spirit. In the Akkadian cities of Sippar, Assur,Eshnuna, Tell Brak, and the capital at Akkad (still to befound), the palace became more important than thetemple. The most significant Akkadian innovations were thoseof the seal cutters. The minimal space of each seal is filledwith action: Heroes and gods grapple with beasts, slaymonsters, and drive chariots in processions. A newAkkadian theme, developed and continued in the periods tofollow, was the presentation scene, in which anintermediary or a personal deity presents another figurebehind him to a more important seated god. Except forstories from the Gilgamesh epic, many myths that aredepicted have not been interpreted. In Our Time The Nick Adams Stories Were My Favorite Of The Collection EssayNot only is there more detail, but at times figures overlap,giving the viewer a sense of people and animals in realspace. The art of the late Assyrian seal cutter is acombination of realism and mythology. Even thenaturalistic scenes contain symbols of the gods. These objects may have originated outside of Assyria, for theyresemble Syro-Phoenician crafted objects found at ArslanTash on the upper Euphrates and at Samaria, capital of theIsraelite kingdom. The lioness plaques incorporateEgyptian iconography and are examples of the bestPhoenician craftsmanship. Thousands of ivory carvingsdisplaying a variety of styles have been recovered atNimrud. The art of the peoples who lived on the fringes of theAssyrian Empire at times lacks the aesthetic appeal of thatof the capital. In Tell Halaf, a local rulers palace wasdecorated with weird reliefs and sculpture in the round;among the hybrids is a scorpion man. At the site of TellAhmar in northern Syria, ancient Til Barsip (Assyrian KarShalmaneser), a palace decorated extensively withAssyrian wall paintings was uncovered. Some of thepaintings are attributed to the mid-8th century BC; others toa rebuilding by Assurbanipal in the 7th century BC. Fromthe earlier building are scenes with winged genii, the defeatof the enemy and their merciless execution, audiencesgranted to officials, and scribes recording booty fromsubjugated nations. The paintings in Khorsabad were moreformalrepeat patterns in bands are topped by two figurespaying homage to a deity. Excavations in Lorestan, themountainous region of western Iran, yielded fine bronzes offantastic creatures, probably made in the middle or lateAssyrian period. These were used as ornaments forhorses, weapons, and utensils. Syria, Phoenicia, and Palestine were on the land routebetween Asia Minor and Africa, and the ancient art of thisarea always shows the influence of those who conquered,passed through, or traded with its inhabitants. Mesopotamian-style cylinder seals from the Jamdat Nasrperiod have been found. Pottery, works in stone, andscarabs were influenced by dynastic Egypt beginning in the29th century BC. Bronze figurines from Byblos of the early2nd millennium are more distinctly Phoenician, as aredaggers and other ceremonial weapons found there. Although the motifs used by local artisans came frombeyond the immediate regionCrete, Egypt, the HittiteEmpire, and Mesopotamiathe technique embodied incrafted objects found at Byblos and Ugarit is distinctlyPhoenician. Phoenician goldsmiths and silversmiths wereskilled artisans, but the quality of their work depended ontheir clientele. Ivory work was always of the higheststandards, probably because of Egyptian competition. Phoenicians sold their wares all over the Middle East, andthe spread of Middle Eastern style and iconography, likethe alphabet, can be attributed to these great traders ofantiquity. The Babylonians, in coalition with the Medes andScythians, defeated the Assyrians in 612 BC and sackedNimrud and Nineveh. They did not establish a new style oriconography. Boundary stones depict old presentationscenes or the images of kings with symbols of the gods. Neo-Babylonian creativity manifested itself architecturallyat Babylon, the capital. This huge city, destroyed (689 BC)by the Assyrian Sennacherib, was restored byNabopolassar and his son Nebuchadnezzar II. Divided bythe Euphrates, it took 88 years to build and wassurrounded by outer and inner walls. Its central feature wasEsagila, the temple of Marduk, with its associatedseven-story ziggurat Etemenanki, popularly known later asthe Tower of Babel. The ziggurat reached about 300 ft inheight and had at the uppermost stage a temple (a shrine)built of sun-dried bricks and faced with baked bricks. Fromthe temple of Marduk northward passed the processionalway, its wall decorated with enamelled lions. Passingthrough the Ishtar Gate, it led to a small temple outside thecity, where ceremonies for the New Year Festival wereheld. Nabonidus (reigned 556-539 BC), the last Babylonianking, rebuilt the old Sumerian capital of Ur, including theziggurat of Nanna, rival to the ziggurat Etemenanki atBabylon. It survived well and its facing of brick has recentlybeen restored. In 539 BC the Neo-Babylonian kingdom fell to thePersian Achaemenid king Cyrus the Great. Mesopotamiabeame part of the Persian Empire, and a royal palace wasbuilt at Babylon, which was made one of the empiresadministrative capitals. Among the remains from Babylonof the time of Alexander the Great, is a theater he built atthe site known now as Humra. The brilliance of Babylonwas ended about 250 BC when the inhabitants of Babylonmoved to Seleucia, built by Alexanders successors.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Problem solving and decision making Consideration of Individual Differences using the Myers
Title and Abstract The title used partially gives the reader a clue on what is to be discussed but does not elaborately and vividly bring out a picture of what the article entails. It has not been clearly stated that the problem solving and decision marking is based on the determination of the individual differences among various people. The abstract on the other hand has been too general hence the exact details contained in the article have not been well brought out.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Problem solving and decision making: Consideration of Individual Differences using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction The introduction is well connected with brief but well researched and cited background information. The statement of the hypothesis is acceptable and well brought out. However, the objectives are not clear in the sense that it has not been stated how the use o f this research benefit an organization in decision making. The advantages derived from using this model as compared to the other model have also not been mentioned. It is only mentioned that this model is the most preferred but with no reason to support it. Participant selection (sampling procedures) Generally, this article gives information in a reported manner, that is, the information contained in this article is based on the already tried researched methods and therefore only tries to give an explanation to the research and its findings. Despite all these, there is nowhere mentioned in the article where this model was applied in determining the individual differences in problem solving. In a nutshell, this article is just but a description of a theory that is said to be widely applied but does not give clear evidence on how it was applied. There is no statement of how the research was conducted by the pioneers of this model and the results found from the same. It is therefore v ery difficult to tell the procedures used in the research and how the sampling was conducted. Procedure section This article solely concentrates on describing the relationship between the individual differences and problem solving. Views from the various theorists have also been included to come up with a solid explanation that relates the two aspects; individual differences and problem solving. What has actually been given in this article is barely an explanation but since this is a research that has been conducted, it should be accompanied by lots of supporting evidence which lacks in this article. It is therefore not clear whether the information given in this study is authentic and whether this model can be successfully applied as a reliable tool for decision making. The procedures towards problem solving have been proposed but no report on whether they have ever been tested and tried or not. Measure section The procedures given in this article are consistent and have vivid expl anations. However, it is not authentic and its workability raises doubts. This is basically because the supporting evidence is too little to fully back the information provided. For instance, test-retest approximations bring uncertainty concerning the constancy of MBTI-type marks.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Statistical analysis and results There is very little statistical analysis provided in this article. The assumptions that were taken during the research have not been mentioned anywhere. It is therefore very difficult to tell whether there were assumptions during the research and how they were solved. Discussion and interpretation The article mainly explains the results of the research that was conducted although the results themselves have not been well stated. However, basing on the information disclosed in the article, it is very true that the lack of solid evidence to sup port this model makes the entire model subject to doubt and criticism. This can be exemplified by overdependence on scores of preference on dichotomous as opposed to the continuous scores which is a limiting factor to the echelon of statistical analysis such as assigning of frequencies to the mentioned sixteen types in the module. Additionally, test-retest approximations bring uncertainty concerning the constancy of MBTI-type marks. Some investigators suggest that all personality surveys bear ambiguous stands. From the information provided in the article concerning the MBTI module, it is very to come up with an assertion the MBTI preference has errors and has insufficient scientific back up and research as far as the utility of the MBTI is concerned especially in organizational settings. From the appearance of the description, it can be further argued out that there is no sufficient, well designed research to validate the application of the MBTI perspective in areas like career and organizational and counseling. The current methodologies on which the evidence is supported are inadequate and inefficient to effectively bring forth a reliable module that can be widely used in various areas and fields (Huitt, 1992). General issues Generally, there is flow of ideas throughout the article and all the information has been presented in a logical order that is understandable. However, the problem solving techniques have just been stated in brief without a solid description. It is therefore difficult to understand full how each of them works. Conclusion In my own opinion, this article has attempted to give a vivid explanation to problem solving but the main limitation is that it lacks the scientific and practical evidence of its workability. It can therefore be improved by incorporating more scientific backing to the information disclosed to make it an authentic document that can be adopted.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Problem solving and deci sion making: Consideration of Individual Differences using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference Huitt, W. (1992). Problem solving and decision making: Consideration of individual differences using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Journal of Psychological Type, 24, 33-44. This essay on Problem solving and decision making: Consideration of Individual Differences using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was written and submitted by user Hattie Reed to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Problem solving and Decision Making Consideration of Individual Differences Using the Myers
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Walls Origin Essays
Walls Origin Essays Walls Origin Essay Walls Origin Essay Contents Situational analysis8 Industry name:8 Company name:8 Product name:8 Mission Statement8 Making you Happy8 Walls History9 GROWTH RATE10 PRODUCT LINE10 oPackaging11 TARGET MARKET12 Current Marketing Mix12 oProduct:SS12 Flavors:12 oPrice:12 oPlace:13 oPromotions:13 Target audience13 Target Market:13 Product Review14 Product name:14 Walls Fruttare Ice Cream14 Price of Product:14 Ingredients:14 ICE CREAM MANUFACTURE15 SWOT ANALYSIS OF WALLS FRUTTARE ICE CREAM16 oSTRENGTHS16 oWEAKNESSES16 oOPPERTUNITIES16 oTHREATS17 COMPETITORS REVIEW17 OMORE17 oHico:18 POSITIONING THE PRODUCT18 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE18 Market Segmentation19 Walls Fruttare have divided market into these segments19 Demographically Segmentation20 GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION20 Behavioral Segmentation21 Benefits:Quality, taste21 Buying behavior21 CONSUMER INVOLVEMENT21 Potential target audiences and user profile22 Students:22 Kids and teenagers:22 Consumer decision Process22 Problem reorganization:22 Informative search:23 I nternal search:23 External Search:23 Evaluation of alternatives:23 oEvoked set approach24 Multi-attributes approach:24 FCB (Foote, Cone, Belding) Model25 Marketing and advertising plan26 oMarketing objective:26 Pricing strategies:26 Promotional strategies:26 Distribution strategies:26 Walls Fruttare Distribution Channel27 Target audience27 oTarget Market:27 oDemographics:27 oPsychographic:28 oPositioning strategy:28 Communication objective28 DAGMAR model:28 Integrated Marketing communication Mix29 oMarketing Mix29 Awareness29 Interest29 Desire29 Action29 Communication mix30 oMarketing Mix30 oSTRENGTHS30 oWEAKNESSES30 Source, message , Medium31 oSource31 oMessage31 oMedium31 s Estimated Budget32 We decide to Estimated our budget as follows32 oBudget for T. V Add32 oBudget for bill boards and panels32 oEstimated Cost of Billboards33 oStreamers cost: PKRS. 70. 75,512divide into 3 cities33 oPrint media: cost PKR 54,75,99934 Summary of Total Budget Allocation35 Promotional campaign guidelines35 oCreative objective35 oCreative strategy35 oElectronic Media36 oSlogan of walls Fruttare36 oAdvertisement Appeal36 Media plan of â€Å"FRUTTARE†37 oMedia objectives37 Reach Frequency of exposure desired, and Impact37 Make Media Plans for Electronic, Outdoors and Print38 Message Continuity38 oGeographic scope of our promotions38 oMedia Strategy38 Summary39 WALLS FRUTTARE ICE CREAM ? Situational analysis Industry name: Food industry Company name: Walls ice cream Product name: Walls fruttare ice cream Mission Statement â€Å"Unilever’s mission is to add vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition; hygiene and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. Making you Happy Few foods are guaranteed to put a smile on peoples faces like ice cream. But while ice cream should always be fun, weve an ever-growing range of lower fat, lower sugar products. Heart brand now provides lighter versions for those watching the calories and smaller sizes for smaller appetites, as well old favorites – theres something for everyone Some ice creams are best as an occasional indulgence, but others can b e a regular treat, and eaten sensibly, ice cream can be part of a healthy balanced diet. Heart brand is developing products that are lower in fat, sugar-free, lactose-free, as well as low-crab options and those with more nutritional goodies like calcium and fruit. For example: * Two scoops of Cornetto (a 100ml serving) have only 79 calories and 2. 4g fat. * Magnum Light (170 calories/10g fat) has 30% fewer calories and 33% less fat than Magnum Classic. Walls History Walls is the brand name of Unilevers Heart brand ice cream business, used originally in the United Kingdom and also currently (2006) in Hong Kong, China, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. Walls (Ice Cream) Ltd is the name of the company that for many years, as an independent and then as a Unilever subsidiary, made and marketed the Walls brand of ice cream in the UK. Originally an independent British meat producer, Thomas Wall and Son Ltd reputedly considered manufacturing ice cream in 1913 to fill in the seasonal downturn in sales of meat pies and sausages in the summer months, but the advent of the First World War prevented this. Walls was acquired by MacFisheries in 1920 and then (1922) by Lever Brothers Ltd (together with Margarine Union, the founder company of Unilever). Ice cream production commenced in 1922 at a factory in Acton, London. As ice cream grew in significance, Unilever split the company into two, T Wall and Son (Ice Cream) Ltd and T Wall and Son (Meats) Ltd, selling off the meat company in 1994. In 1959, Walls doubled capacity by opening a purpose built ice cream factory at Gloucester, England. Unilever continues to use the brand for ice cream in the UK Whilst remaining (2006) the market leader in the UK in impulse hand held products such as Cornetto and Magnum, and creative in-home products such as Viennetta, the Walls brand faces severe competition from the major supermarket brands and to a lesser extent from Nestle’s ice cream and ice lollies (absorbing the Rowntrees and Lyons Maid brands), and Mars, spin-off ice cream products. GROWTH RATE The ice cream industry itself is growing with a reasonable rate, but for WALL’S the growth rate is quite encouraging. The major reason for prevailing this dream like growth rate is the radical growth seen in Cornetto in recent years. WALL’S growth rate for recent year was 12%. PRODUCT LINE Walls is a consumer product with a very long range of ice cream brands. Which are shown in the annexed table. Products| Flavors| Cornetto| Mango, Classico, Strawberry| Feast| Chocolate, Kulfa| Split| Mango, Strawberry| Solo| Mango, Kola Raspberry| Mini milk| Samar, Kulfa| Paddlepop| Banana, Rainbow, Chocolate-Fudge| Fruiti| -| Topten| -| Star Cup| Vanilla, Mango Slash, Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry| Family Pack (1 liter)| Mango, Chocolate| Walls has introduce a lot of brands with different flavors, the customers has so many options to select the brand according to their taste. This creates a good image in the mind of the customer which resulting the customer loyalty about the Product. * Packaging : Multiple packaging ?Small packs:  Sticks  Cones  Cups Take home packs:  ? liter packs  1 liter packs  Tubs Bulk packs: * 10 liter packs TARGET MARKET It is the process of evaluating each market segments attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. Some time companies are able to target every segment, because they are financially strong and they can arrange a vast product line. Walls have been introduce different verities with different pricing of which some of are has high price that can only attract high income group and walls has also different brands with low price which can be easily purchase by low income groups. Walls is easily available in urban and rural areas all over the country. Walls has been targeted every segment and we can say that walls has a Fragmented market. Current Marketing Mix * Product: WALLS FRUTTARE Flavors: MANGO, STRAWBERRY, GRAPES * Price: PKR 30 * Place: Everywhere in Pakistan. * Promotions: * Sales promotion: free sampling * Advertising: TVC, Billboards, Print media Target audience Primary target audience: Target Market: * Generation X (8_15) :STICK LOLLY * Generation Y (1824 yrs): STICK LOLLY * Student,Professional Secondary target market: * Children and teenagers Product Review Product name: Walls Fruttare Ice Cream It is just a lolly. which has 70% or maybe 75% fruit in it which means more flavour and less sugar. I like an ad of Fruttare but , myself and my entire family are huge fans. Available in three flavours; mango, strawberry and grapes,. The advertising, also, has been spot on. The roads are covered with Fruttare with lollies appearing on the ground, on billboards or pole banners and on TV. Hubby dear and myself came across a BTL activity at the Forum mall today which was both fun and rewarding. While I lost the game, hubby dear won the jackpot and was the proud owner of two Fruttare! Even though we hated Walls Badami (a kulfi icecream which you should never try), Fruttare has won us completely. Ice cream is a very feel good product. , you transports you to the past, to your childhood, a carefree and happy time. So go out there and make the child inside you happy with not one, not two but three amazing lollies! Price of Product: The price of walls fruttare is rs. 30. Ingredients: Ice confection containing pulp, sugar, natural colour, stabilizers, citric acid, and natural flavour ICE CREAM MANUFACTURE The basic steps in the manufacturing of ice cream are generally as follows: * Blending of the mix ingredients * Pasteurization * Homogenization * Aging the mix * Freezing * Packaging * Hardening SWOT ANALYSIS OF WALLS FRUTTARE ICE CREAM SWOT analysis a method that help to identify the product or company Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threads. SWOT ANALYSIS * STRENGTHS * Innovation. * Strong brand name. * Certified under the health certification. * An attractive packaging. * Exists from a long time ago. * Low competition * Captures a lot of market with other products under this brand name. WEAKNESSES * No past experience in this product. * High investment required. * OPPERTUNITIES * Further innovation in the product. * Gap in Mkt. for diet ice cream, which Walls can cover because they are more, establish than others. * Walls proves itself to be quality oriented product and maintain good taste and standard, than it would be able to create a strong position in all (Pakistan) for a long period of time. * THREATS * Hico and Gourmet AND Omore is also new comer, but rapidly increase in their Market share is a big threat for Walls. * Any new entrants. Competitors have more loyal customers COMPETITORS REVIEW * Omore * Hico * Gourmet * OMORE OMORE Ice Cream is a famous ice cream brand in Pakistan. It is manufactured by Engro Foods Limited. As a brief introduction, Engro Foods Limited is a multipurpose manufacturing company. It was established in 2004 and is mainly involved in the manufacturing and marketing of various industrial and consumer products including dairy products, fruit juices, ice cream, industry, chemicals and rice/agriculture produce. Omore is manufactured by Engro Foods Limited which is a subsidiary of Engro Corporation Limited. Engro Corporations portfolio consists of seven businesses which include chemical fertilizers, PVC resin, a bulk liquid chemical terminal, industrial automation, foods, power generation and commodity trade. The brand OMORE has been well established since 2009. OMORE has a fully automatic ice cream manufacturing facility, and has a production capacity capable of producing more than 4. 5 million liters of dairy ice cream a year. It is marketed in major cities of Punjab. OMORE Ice Cream has initially introduced to limited cities across Pakistan such as Karachi, Islamabad, Multan, Lahore, Sahiwal. Today, the OMORE brand is considered to be the favorite in its hometown Lahore. OMORE Ice Cream produces a variety of flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, mango, strawberry, orange, kulfi, caramel as well as many more. OMORE Ice Cream is one of the few brands in Pakistan to manufacture pure dairy ice cream. After almost 2 years of its launch, Karachi has finally tasted omore. Shop fascias, round shaped small boards, mobile ice-cream trolleys are very much apparent around the city. * Hico: Hico is one of the oldest selling brands in Pakistan, dealing in pure dairy ice creams. Popular flavors are praline, mango, mixed fruit ice cream, and kulfa. Hico is considered as are actual competitor as they are dealing in the same product line which is dairy ice cream but still e has a competitive edge that we’ll be producing fresh fruits Ice cream with fruit chunks. POSITIONING THE PRODUCT After realizing the need, potential in market and rapidly increasing growth and market share of the product. The company launches a WALL FRUTTARE ice cream and expands its product line. Company tries to position it as an economical, qualities, and variety of features. Which can be easily sell at any times anywhere in the country. Company existing position in the market also helps to position it successfully in Pakistan economy. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE * it is innovative product of walls . * it is available in different flaour. * Low fat with less surgar. * Fruits used in 70%and 75% * Best quality and pure taste avail uin markets. * Minimum prices with loyal customers. * Attractive packageing * It good brand image. * Durability long time. and remain good taste. And quality. Market Segmentation A market segment consists of a large identifiable group with a market. Buyers are differ in their wants, purchasing powers, geographical location, buying attitude and buying habits Walls FRUTTARE have segmented market according to consumer characteristics and consumer response. Walls Fruttare take advantage for both these strategies. In identical consumer characteristics those whose geographical, demographic and psyhographic characteristics are common and from an other those customer who give much attention to benefits, occasions and brand. Walls Fruttare have divided market into these segments 1. Demographic segmentation. 2. Geographically segmentation. 3. Psychographic segmentation. 4. Behavior to word Product. The walls Fruttare segmented the entire market into such segments, which are differentiable through: Demographically Segmentation Age: Teenage, 20to40 years. Family Size: 4 to 5 members. Gender: Both male and female. Income: RS 15,000 to RS 35,000. Occupation: Professional, Technical and Students, businessman Social Class: Middle Class. Walls Fruttare introduce the brands for the younger as well FRUTTARE as the childrens. Walls FRUTTARE targeted both high as well as low-income gourds. In simple word we can say that walls introduce of all income and all age groups. GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION Region South Asian Region Pakistan, . Density Urban, rulers Climate Both Northern Southern region of Pakistan. This is segmenting the market on basis of location the factors contributes in it is mainly, the number of population of that area and the living standard of that particular location. The walls has been targeted both urban as well as rural areas. Behavioral Segmentation Occasions:For regular occasion. Benefits:Quality, taste Buying behavior Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. CONSUMER INVOLVEMENT Involving customers in product consumption and making marketing strategy can result in more chance of success and improvement of product, while at the same time strengthening relationships and creating mutual benefits. all the 4 P’s and other stimuli like social and economical are well consider to get response as a product and brand choice and to compel consumer to purchase our product This will lead us to follow these steps. Asking customers before launching our product * Setting up a user Group * Asking customers to evaluate new products * Issuing new product announcements * Understanding our customers * Assess the value of our Product * Analyze customer’s reaction Potential target audiences and user profile Students: In young age, mostly students and children are like the different flavor of ice cream. specia lly,in summer season every one like the ice cream. and every one easily purchase the ice cream. WALLS FRUTTARE is anew launch of walls company. mostlly students prefers the taste and quality product of walls. Kids and teenagers: All age groups prefer ice cream quality and taste. Due to the WALLS FRUTTARE quality and taste and with natural flavors kids and teenagers Prefers more our products. It is not just a lolly. Which has 70% or maybe 75% fruit in it which means more flavour and less sugar. familes and kids are huge fans of WALLS FRUTTARE ice cream. Consumer decision Process * Problem Reorganization * Information search * Evaluation of Alternatives * Purchase Decision * Post purchase evaluation Problem reorganization: The first step starts of consumers buying decision process. Which occurs when the consumer search out a need or want. How consumer notices a need or wants for a product which makes him/her? When consumer want to get some things different , then a need gets created to overcome its thrist and fulfill his desire.. Informative search: Every potential Consumer accumulate a search or gets information that might satisfy or meet the need and wants.. every consumer which starts with respect of specific product. he conducts an internal search. This includes memories of past experiences as well as the examination of other brands. Internal search: If a brand has obtained a high level of brand equity,the brand is creating agood image in the consumer min and Internal research creates a good image to purchase. Internally the consumer perceives different product by their loyalty or affiliation. External Search: The consumer mostly spend time in market search. they are three factor Ability, motivation, cost and benefits. WALLS FRUTTARE is introduced by WALLS which is well known brand of UNILEVER in all over the world. It creates a good image of WALLS FRUTTARE. FRUTTARE is advertising very well which create the awareness in consumer mind. Evaluation of alternatives: Three models can be utilized to portray the nature of the evaluation process. * The evoked set approach. * The multiattribute approach. * Affect referral. * Evoked set approach * Inept set: The inept set consist of the brands that are part of person create a good image that are not considered because they elicit it negative feeling. WALLS FRUTTARE is newly launched and creating a positive image. * Inert set: The inert set holds the brand that the consumer is aware of but the individual has neither negative nor positive feeling about the product. The lack of knowledge of the product usually eliminates it. WALLS FRUTTARE is becoming a loveable product among its target audience. * Multi-attributes approach: Another model of methods consumers use to evaluate purchasing alternatives is the multi-attributable approach. It is very useful method to create awareness about the product. FCB (Foote, Cone, Belding) Model High involvement and Feeling Quardant(Affective) -FeelLearnDo Walls Fruttare lies in the second quadrant of FCB model due to effectiveness of its quality and taste. This product decision has high involvement but requires less specific information. Therefore an attitude or feeling towards the product buying decision process is more important. Marketing and advertising plan * Marketing objective: 1)To achieve maximum market share 2), increase sale 3) create awareness among people. 4)Customer satisfaction. 5) Continue product modification and improvement effort to increase customer benefit and reduce cost * Pricing strategies: The prices strategy of â€Å"WALLS FRUTTARE†:ICE LOLLY available in makets at PKR :30, , which is most suitable for the middle and elite class, this pricing strategy, is very prominent against Other ice cream competitors in Pakistan, WALLS FRUTTARE offer different flavours in markets. * Promotional strategies: WALLS FRUTTARE promotional activities includes print media promotion, electronic media promotion, outdoor media activities which includes billboards, communication mix includes, direct marketing, personal relation, advertising, internet marketing. * Distribution strategies: We are offering WALLS FRUTTARE is easily available through different distridubution channels. Walls Fruttare Distribution Channel Producer warehouse Retailer consumer Walls select this channel because its target market is urban as well as rural area and it is not possible for the Walls to place its product to all the segments directly or with short channel. Target audience Primary target audience: * Target Market: * Generation X (8_15) :STICK LOLLY * Generation Y (1824 yrs): STICK LOLLY * Student,Professional Secondary target market: * Children and teenagers Demographics: Gender: Male and female Age: generationX generation Y Income: RS 30000 (monthly income) * Psychographic: Buying behavior: it is an important step before buying the produet. People of Pakistan try different products which differ from other products. Awareness and trail is the key factor and first step which helps buy people according to necessity. Decision making: We live in male dominant society where males are ont o making decisions and spend according to their earnings. WALLS FRUTTARE starting price is 30 rupees so making decision is not a big deal for a common person. * Positioning strategy: The plan suggested would project as a high quality brand. Considering OMORE ICE CREAM consumer leaving the market and the consumers are running out of alternatives, now would be the best time for WALLS FRUTTARE to take advantage of the market. Consumer Behavior analysis and purchase patterns suggest that the perception of the brand is important. The plan would try to improve that. Communication objective DAGMAR model: Defining advertising goals for measured results is the full form of DAGMAR. The DAGMAR model was built around four stages of communication results, Awareness, interest, desire, Action. Walls fruttare communication strategy fulfill AIDA requirement and thus it lies in AIDA also lies in FCB model. Integrated Marketing communication Mix * Marketing Mix Product: Walls Fruttare Three flavors: Strawberry, Mango, Grapes Price: Fruttare ice Lolly Rs:30 WALL’S is creating awareness about its new products such as Walls Fruttare for this purpose it is using huge signboards on the major square of the cities and more importantly both the print and electronic media for advertisement and for that it is following AIDA model. Awareness The WALL’S uses print and electronic media plus the sign boards initially just to create awareness and knowledge about its new product as these days it is giving A lot of adds of both of its newly launched products FRUTTARE. * Interest As the public gets awareness of the produces of WALL’S the next step is to create interest among the target buyers about the product which is again done through advertisement. * Desire The WALLâ₠¬â„¢S create curiosity among the customers and transform that curiosity into the desire of the product. * Action Finally to make the customer purchase the product this is the final thing to be done in model. Communication mix * Marketing Mix Product: WALLS FRUTTARE flavors: MANGO,STRAWBERRY,GRAPES Price: PKR 30 Place: Everywhere in Pakistan. Promotions: Sales promotion: free sampling Advertising: TVC, Billboards, Print media * STRENGTHS * Innovation. * Strong brand name. * Certified under the health certification. * An attractive packaging * Low competition * Captures a lot of market with other products under this brand name. * WEAKNESSES * No past experience in this product. Less awareness Source, message , Medium * Source Twenty percent of the giant company uses CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT. The source of advertisement will be just a TYPICAL PERSON. WALLS FRUTTARE strategy is to pull common people through PUSH typical people. * Message . It is just a lolly. which has 70% or maybe 75% fruit in it which means more flavour and less sugar. I like an ad of Fruttare but , myself and my entire family are h uge fans. Available in three flavours; mango, strawberry and grapes,. * Medium Walls fruttare is using electronic, print media as a source of medium. Majorly walls fruttare is using Electronic media so as for the rapid awareness of the product as it is highly effective source of medium. Initially apart from ads shown on the major TV channels, Sting is using free sampling campaigns as the most suitable and effective source. The messages conveyed by different communication vehicle: * TVC: It creates unlimited energy and makes the impossible, Possible. * Billboard: Product will be focused and the supernatural things occurring will be highlighted. * Print media: The message in billboard will be displayed in print media as well. s Estimated Budget PKR19, 200,000 for T. V adds. (19. 20 million) PKR 20,53,3000 bill boards and posters. PKR 54,75,999 for print Advertisement: magazines, newspapers and broachers. Total Budget:45,20,8999 We decide to Estimated our budget as follows * Budget for T. V Add For T. V add PKR 2,000 per second for prime time at slot available air time, for 30-40 sec: one T. V add costs PKR 80000 for once and for 4 T. V channels 80000x 4=320000 once on 4 channels. We decided to make our T. V add on-air 2 times in a day on 4 channels which costs: 320000 x 2 = PKR 640000 per day cost of 4 channels airtime. For 30 days campaign 64000030: 19,200,000 PKR for 30 days. * Budget for bill boards and panels PKR 20,53,3000for Spectacular/bill boards (60 x 20, 1200 sq feet): 18Targeted Regions: Lahore A: D. H. A, Airport, Fortress stadium, jail road. Lahore B: Thokar Niaz Baig (Near Uni. Of Lahore), johar town (Shukat Khanum), model town (Link road), Iqbal town (Wahdat road). Lahore C: Chuburji (Round about) , Karachi A: Saddar road, Clifton. Karachi B: Gulshan, Defence Road, Airport road. Islamabad: Blue area, Air port road, Muree road, Parliament house road. Total 18 Sites in 3 cities: Estimated Cost of Billboards Contents| Budget(PKRS)| Skin printing cost (21,5 0018 sites)| 38,7000| Vendor charges (23,200018)| 41,76,000| Taxes 16%, GST 1% (10,88018)| 195,840| Total cost| 47,58,840| * Streamers cost: PKRS. 70. 75,512divide into 3 cities Regions: Lahore A, Lahore B, Lahore C: 23,58,504(main boulevard, canal road, motorway interchange, mall road) Karachi A and Karachi B: 23,58,504(Gulastan. e. j ohar, gulshan, defense road, airport road, Clifton) Islamabad: 23,58,504(Islamabad interchange, Supreme Court road, aabpara road, muree road) Summary of streamers cost: Regions| Budget| Lahore (A)| 23,58,504| Lahore (B)| | Lahore (C)| | Karachi (A)| 23,58,504| Karachi (B)| | Islamabad Total| 23,585,04 70,75,512| * Print media: cost PKR 54,75,999 Magazines, newspapers and broachers are tools used in print media, we split cost into 3 classifications: Summary of Print media: ITEM| Budgets| Magazines| 18,25,333| Broachers| 18,25,333| Newspapers| 18,25,333| Total| 54,75,999| For print media we cover these news papers and magazines: The news, Dawn, Jang and nawa-e-waqt, Akhbar-e-Jahan. Summary of Total Budget Allocation Contents| Budget(PKRS)| Television add| 19,200,000| Spectaculars/billboards/posters| 20,53,3000| Print media| 5475999| Total Cost 45208999 (45. 20)million| | | | Promotional campaign guidelines * Creative objective The strategy adopted by walls for their new product fruttare is to create awareness about fruttare with particular brand image. So as to emplace the fruttare in customer’s mind. They are strongly focusing on advertisements. To create a new trend of using a new ice lolly in less price. And also provide the quality information about the walls fruttare ice cream and also increase the customer traffic through advertising. * Creative strategy The task which has been assigned to us is exclusively for the new product which is newly launched. So fruttare is a new born product which is for kids and teen agers. The working includes TVC, and print media. * Electronic Media In TVC ad we are giving a theme which is deliberately try to show the fresh fruits that are the one of the ingredients of fruttare coming out from fresh fruits. And it contains the taste of fresh fruits of summer and it contains 70 % real taste of fresh fruits. It is free from artificial flavors of fruits because our target market is kids and teen- agers. it is launched in three flavors mango, strawberry and grapes. Because these are the favorite fruits of children in summer and they feels fresh and fulfill their needs and wants and make the happy and enjoy. The features and benefits of eating fruttare are unlimited and the consumer would fantasize its uses. * A consumer gains 60 % kcal/ product. Free from sodium , fats, and cholesterols. * Slogan of walls Fruttare The Slogan of walls fruttare is †. MAKING YOU HAPPY†Objective: To achieve the market share and customer satisfaction through awareness. Method: Through Tvc and billboards, newspaper and magazines create awareness and remind the brand image in the minds of customers. * Advertisement Appeal The execution style adopted by fruttare is EMOTIONAL at the beginning and RATION AL at the end. The ad includes the Pricing, brand image, availability. Media plan of â€Å"FRUTTARE†* Media objectives Our brand â€Å"fruttare†offers quality and taste to consumers, but to attract more customers through advertisement plan, and focus on our main brand image. we interact with the ad agency to develop art works on our creative brief. Our campaign is for 30 days all over the Pakistan in which we cover electronic media, Outdoor activities and Print media are included. Creative brief and SCRIPT of T. V Add: In TVC ad we are giving a theme which is deliberately try to show the fresh fruits that are the one of the ingredients of fruttare coming out from fresh fruits. And it contains the taste of fresh fruits of summer and it contains 70 % real taste of fresh fruits. It is free from artificial flavors of fruits because our target market is kids and teen- agers. it is launched in three flavors mango, strawberry and grapes. Because these are the favorite fruits of children in summer and they feels fresh and fulfill their needs and wants and make the happy and enjoy. The features and benefits of eating fruttare are unlimited and the consumer would fantasize its uses. * A consumer gains 60 % kcal/ product. * Free from sodium, fats, and cholesterols. Reach Frequency of exposure desired, and Impact We plan to distribute our product at out door locations where the reach and frequency will be easy and in reach of every people which makes people to buy our product. Make Media Plans for Electronic, Outdoors and Print We will lunched this advertising campaign for 30 days: billboards and posters on DHA area Lahore, we prefer the billboard on Allama Iqbal Airport road, on the bridge to Allama Iqbal Airport, farozpur road, main boulevard road, cover under passes with bridge panels (Doctor hospital, campus bridge, Dharmpura underpasses),. nd outside college and universities and restaurants and general stores. For print media we cover these news papers and magazines. For Electronic media we pay for air time ad from Geo T. V , PTV,EXPRESS HUM TV, Other local cable channels in Lahore. Gross Rating Points(GRP): The formula being used by GRP is CPM = (Cost of Media/Total Audience) x1000 Message Continuity We will use continuity of message thro ugh advertisement compaign so that people ca n reminds our product again. * Geographic scope of our promotions Through TVC ad very cover all regions of Pakistan so that people can prefer our product on others. * Media Strategy It has been discussed previously in phase 1. Summary It is just a lolly. which has 70% or maybe 75% fruit in it which means more flavour and less sugar. I like an ad of Fruttare but , myself and my entire family are huge fans. Available in three flavours; mango, strawberry and grapes,. The advertising, also, has been spot on. The roads are covered with Fruttare with lollies appearing on the ground, on billboards or pole banners and on TV. Hubby dear and myself came across a BTL activity at the Forum mall today which was both fun and rewarding. While I lost the game, hubby dear won the jackpot and was the proud owner of two Fruttare! Even though we hated Walls Badami (a kulfi icecream which you should never try), Fruttare has won us completely. Ice cream is a very feel good product. , We have chosen newly launched product of walls company â€Å"WALLS FRUTTARE â€Å"for advertising and promotional campaign. After seeing competitive analysis we will design logo and slogan of our product. Our vision and mission shows the information and objectives of our product. The whole idea revolves around the advertising campaign of the brand. . We further categorize Lahore into A, B, C, and Karachi into A and B and Islamabad. According to this we divided budget into different sections according to their importance. The T. V add is the main medium for our Campaign which will on air on 4 different T. V channels which increases the reach and frequency among people, this campaign will run for 30 days. Other mediums like billboards, hoardings allow people to watch add while driving, walking on the road, print media with different magazines; news papers and broachers increase the promotional activity regarding our brand. The budget of forty five million very adequate to use on those mediums, our brand of â€Å"WALLS FRUTTARE†made for getting attraction of people, we make our art work just according to the product, when people see our advertisement, they feel of happiness thirst and cool will increase and result in people willing to get â€Å"WALLS FRUTTAREâ€
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Law Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Law - Research Proposal Example Moreover, will a sentence for a rich person be subjected differently as opposed to that of a deprived individual? Background A popular idiom denoting the above subject states that the civil law is intended for the wealthy while criminal law is for the deprived. Impartiality before the law is unproductive in an unequal civilization. Distant from having an integral structure that guards the poor against the affluent, there is a justice constitution that ditches the poor. There persists to be numerous people who state publicly that affluent criminals, even killers who have the capability to use costly legal representatives, are never killed, while the minority increase in penitentiaries while the majority are stood for by public protectors or, occasionally, by pro bono members in big law firms. It is not purely the governing decree itself, but the broadening gap flanked by the Have's along with have-Nots (Dorpat, 2007). It is those who direct some genus of white collar felony for which, if sentenced at all, the doers can pine in country-club penitentiaries whereas the hardcore offenders- turned to felony since they were unfortunate, starving or unlearned- did crimes to stay alive. The law might be unbiased, but fairness is hardly ever truthfully fair. Problem Statement One must gravely scrutinize how justice is described, traditionally, and then arbitrate the extent the law has diverged from its initial connotation: "fairness has been described as the eminence of being unbiased, the equivalent handling of equals, and existing in concurrence with the innate law and the heavenly plan. Fairness entails integrity in coping with others and matching people’s lives to truths and precision. This ill-fated background carries on underplaying the significance of the natural law in handling human cases. One key predicament occurs before any jury appearance: specifically, the law implementation agencies counting the police force, sheriffs and, since the eminence of 9/11 the termed Homeland Security authorities. This reflects in the judicial attitude towards the sentencing of the poor people (Ashworth, 2010). Frequently, the verdict of the jury on the rich people, if any subsists, is woefully derisory to facilitate them be sentenced to long term periods. The jury is perceived more as error finders as opposed to solution givers and colleagues in the Governments also undertake in this injustice. Hypothesis: The jury partakers will subconsciously deem a defendant’s financial background in the proposition of a verdict. Depicting the variable The Independent variable is a juvenile SFU scholar driving a 150,000 dollar vehicle and another youthful SFU scholar driving a 5000 dollar vehicle. The Dependent variable is the period that the culpable defendant is sentenced in a penitentiary. Participants/ Population The partakers of this venture include 20 scholars in a classroom framework. They include people from diverse backgrounds schooling in identic al circumstances. This is because of the minimal time period required to amass information on the required research. Research Design For this venture, the researcher has to collect the relevant information in class (about 20 individuals) with merely 10 minutes. Therefore, the questionnaire is deemed to be fairly short and has two examples of a similar case since the time frame is also squat. In addition, the procedure the researcher implores to investigate the hypothesis is by administering a
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Citizen Engagement in development research Essay
Citizen Engagement in development research - Essay Example Its purpose is to contribute in meaningful ways to specific public policy decisions in a transparent and accountable manner". (Phillips, 2002) Around the period centering 1970s, the different governments, especially of the Western nations, more profoundly thought of extending the responsibilities of the citizens and gradually increased and spread the application of the plans in various arenas primarily including the social and infrastructural bodies to address more deeply the quintessential aspects of education and health. Citizens were encouraged to intensively participate and monitor in many small developmental projects and related campaigns in their respective community areas. Lack of substantial civilian involvement at that period prompted many theories to be developed and scrutinized at this very context. There have been several approaches and detailed theoretical study and discussion regarding literature of public involvement in developmental affairs of the governance. Many such views were studied exhaustively and dissected minutely to frame administrative policies across the nations of the world. One such view to understand the role of civilians in attaining developmental goals was the neo-liberal market approach. The main argument of the neo-liberal market approach is a continually sustained moderation of the government authority through a proper mix of privatization and decentralization policies (Gaventa, 2007). In this particular framework, the main critic is the civilians are mechanically.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Sociological Theories of Leisure: Marx and Weber
Sociological Theories of Leisure: Marx and Weber Leisure is an area of sociological study that has, according to many sociologists including Chris Rojek[1] been neglected. The literature, certainly in the countries of Britain and Australia, has been dominated by views and theories that fit into a Marxist framework. ‘Leisure’ is juxtaposed against what is deemed its opposite, ‘work.’ In this essay I shall attempt to elucidate some of that Marxist framework and then criticise what can be viewed as its limitations thus, hopefully, highlighted and understanding some of the implications necessary for a further and deeper understanding of the sociology of leisure. Marx’s most basic premise, that man in capitalist society is alienated from his own labour, is also, unsurprisingly, the theoretical underpinning for Marxist notions of leisure. The change from older forms of economic markets to capitalist industrialisation forced a schism in the work/leisure relationship. â€Å"The identification of leisure as the sphere in which needs are satisfied and pleasure found simultaneously makes work less susceptible to criticism as unsatisfactory and more salient as that which has to be tolerated to ‘earn’ the freedom of leisure. Instrumentalism about work is built into this enforced separation: ‘leisure’ is the prize to be won.†[2] This demarcation is seen as the principle victory, in a stream of relatively uncontested battles, of capitalism in regards to leisure. The alienation of labour is made more tolerable by leisure activities and pursuits. The idea that one worked to live at the weekend, or outside of work, became prevalent. Work became a means to an end. The sphere of leisure, once created, offered the ruling classes the opportunity to restrict and control workers lives further, in insidious ways, permeating what was supposed to be ‘free’ time. â€Å"If the working class wants alcohol and music, it shall have them but only to be consumed under certain conditions.†[3] Under the guise of caring for workers rights and needs, and by setting up institutions of leisure, the dominant ruling classes could ensure that time away from work was spent in activities deemed appropriate. The point of this control was, of course, to ensure the productivity of workers and thus perpetuate the capitalist market. A hung over worker was of little use. â€Å"The establishment of leisure as consumption†¦has also been of considerable significance.†[4] This was capitalism’s second great victory in regards to leisure. The capitalist process, at its most fundamental, is all about consumption. By turning leisure into a commodity, to be bought and sold as well as used, revenue could be exploited. The irony and hypocrisy of the sphere of leisure, supposedly free of capitalist ideology, feeding that ideology with new avenues of revenue, production and reproduction, is shown by Clarke and Critcher. The freedom of leisure is a fallacy. â€Å"The much vaunted democracy of the market-place rests on the rather less democratic foundations of the profoundly unequal distribution of wealth and income.†[5] Instead of resistance to the fact that choice is limited, nay controlled, by the market, we, the consumer, value what choices we do have all the more. Choice in leisure is curtailed by social division and unequal distribution.â€Å"Those with relatively more control over work tend to have more control over their leisure; class does not end at the factory gate†¦gender even less so.†[6] Clarke and Critcher indicate a direct link between the alienation of work, to an alienation of leisure, precisely because they conceptualise leisure as being a by product of what we term as work. Leisure is defined by work, caused by work and needed because of work in a capitalist industrial society. Resistance to leisure models are, according to Clarke and Critcher, ultimately futile. The market can not completely control how leisure products are used, the young especially tend to use them in ways never envisioned. This would be seen as a site of resistance except, â€Å"Such strategies may modify but cannot challenge the market/consumer model. Before we can modify the meaning and use of any commodity, we must first enter the market as consumers to acquire it.†[7] â€Å"In a manner sometimes reminiscent of the early Marx, Simmel argues that modern production is not the site of creativity, of individuality, of pleasure.†[8] Marx stated that workers were alienated from their species being, their creativity, individuality and ultimately their pleasure. Simmel here echoes those sentiments. He also concurs that leisure is an escape from such alienation. â€Å"In this context then, the history of forms of leisure is the history of labour The exhaustion of our mental and physical energies in work lead us to require only one thing of our leisure; ‘we must be made comfortable’; ‘we only wish to be amused.’†[9] These notions are very similar to those of Marxist and neo-Marxist theorists such as Clarke and Critcher. Leisure is a reward for time spent working and the real purpose of leisure is to repair and relax the worker ready to once more be a useful member of the industrial complex. â€Å"The sphere of non-work, ostensibly that of leisure, can also be filled out by consumption and by circulation in search of what is new. Where a mass of consumers has been created, commodities can be sold for their price rather than their quality.†[10] It is to be noted that in sociology of the Marxist tradition, and here in Simmel’s own words, what constitutes leisure in a capitalist society for the workers is judged morally bankrupt and alienating. Quantity over quality, mere amusement over the satisfaction of any deeper needs. Many theorists question this view. Wrestling would certainly be treated as such mere amusement in a Marxist or Simmel tradition, yet for Barthes[11], such ‘low’ culture reproduces the ‘species being’ that they see as lacking from capitalist leisure. The Marxist tradition makes those judgements with very little empirical evidence. As Rojek states, â€Å"So far leisure and other studies have provided little sense of what people actually do or feel in pubs, gardens, kitchens, on pitches or package tours.†[12] The assumption of what people experience during leisure is dangerous. [13] In Freudian psychology, â€Å"An irresistible verbal transition†¦effortlessly replaces the†¦term ‘leisure,’ with a substitute, ‘pleasure.’†[14] In essence our existence, at the polymorphous perversity stage, begins as fun. The processes of society, the rules of the ego, attempt to cage that fun. â€Å"The world of fun is repressed.†[15] Freud noted the classic bourgeois ego, perhaps best represented by Veblen’s â€Å"Leisure class.†[16] For Freud, it was, â€Å" Just this ‘objectivity’ which justified the utilitarian tradition in psychology, and, viewing the individual as a consumer rather than a producer, regarded pleasure as the consequence of possessing valued objects.†[17] Freud depicted the Bourgeois ego as deriving its pleasure from owning commodities. This pleasure was leisure and inexorably, in both implicit and explicit ways, the subordinate classes were compelled to adopt this view because, as Rojek points out, â€Å"the ideas of the bourgeois class are the ruling ideas in society.†[18] Interestingly, Freudian psychology breaks with Marxist tradition. The pleasure of fun is not to be found in commodities. Commodities are the only form of leisure since, under capitalist ideology all leisure is a commodity. So, reacting to the psychological need to escape from the alienation of work, people seek excitement from their commodities instead. â€Å"Consumption has become exciting†¦Possession, of course, remains its prerequisite, but necessity is held in abeyance.†[19] The act of shopping in itself has become the excitement, the commodity itself holds less importance. Evidence of this comes from, â€Å"The comparative longevity of modern goods (Which are) overwhelmed by the wish for continual newness.†[20] Freud, rather pessimistically, saw no real way out of this ideological trap, hence his claim, â€Å"For psychoanalysis the modest therapeutic aim of ‘transforming neurotic misery into common unhappiness.’†[21] â€Å"Kelly argues that, ‘If something has to be done then it isn’t leisure’ and that ‘leisure is generally understood as chosen activity that is not work.’†[22] Sociology is replete with such ethereal and vague definitions of just what exactly leisure is. Clarke and Critcher state that their work, â€Å"Does not attempt to lay to rest all those complex definitional questions about what is or is not leisure. We do not believe that these questions can be solved by ever more elaborate analytical juggling.†[23] H F Moorhouse[24] takes issue with this. He raises the very salient point that one could consider it blithely ignorant to conduct a whole study without first defining what it is one is researching. Clarke and Critcher rely on a ‘self evident’ truth of what leisure is. ‘Self evident’ truths are, quite often, less than self evident. They rely on common sense notions, but sense in this case is not necessarily c ommon. â€Å"It operates with the simplistic and stereotyped view of what most ‘work’ is like, seeing it as impoverished, routinised, deskilled etc†¦..What is a very complicated issue is oversimplified.†[25] For Moorhouse, their treatment of work is crude and their definition of leisure spurious. They refuse â€Å"To allow that paid labour can be, for most, a source of satisfaction, purpose, creativity, qualitative experience, and so on.†[26] This can only be seen as a weakness. Classical assumptions of the nature of work and leisure may no longer be sufficient. Clarke and Critcher state that they are writing during a time (1985) of transition to ‘post-industrial’ society. If one take this claim seriously then it has important implications. â€Å"The introduction of flexi-time and the development of human relations techniques in management have made the workplace less oppressive and monotonous for many workers†¦Moreover, technical progress enables paid employment to be conducted from the home.†[27] Technology, in particular that most wide of world webs, has magnified the possibilities of working from home and blurred the lines of what constitutes work and leisure still further. The dualistic and simplistic account, as found in Clarke and Critcher and other works in the Marxist tradition, may no longer be completely adequate to explain the sociology of leisure. Their account seems isolated in a very specific moment, a moment of change . Older accounts, Veblen’s, Marx’s, Simmel’s, may have been entirely accurate at the time they were published, but that time has long since past. Other considerations may need to be taken into account. â€Å"My submission is that the distinctions between work and leisure, public and private life, duty and excitement, have blurred.†[28] If one takes the work of Rojek seriously, what implications for the tired and simplistic definitions of what constitutes work and leisure? Freud defines leisure as pleasure as fun. If the boundaries of what constitutes leisure and work are indeed eroding could it mean that leisure, pleasure and fun can be found in work? Or work in fun? A cogent example would be of a party that one feels obliged to attend. You do not like the food, you hate the music, you’re surrounded by people you despise and you would give anything to be anywhere else. Yet this is your leisure time? The sociology of leisure needs to address these concerns. â€Å"Relationships and structures of leisure help mitigate human problems, foster cohesion in communities, alleviate personal suffering, maintain economic stability, and encourage political activity.†[29] Some sociologists see leisure as being a site for developing essential social networks, places that maintain and improve cohesion and interaction. If one considers Simmel’s conception that sociability is the, â€Å"Pure form of interacting independence of individuals,’†[30] then one might conclude that the development of leisure networks are a ‘morally’ good occurrence that let actors enjoy true or ‘pure’ leisure, pleasure and fun. Perhaps for the good of the sociology of leisure, â€Å"There is a need to shift attention away from the characteristics of individuals or groups as the unit of analysis, and focus on the characteristics of social relationships between people.†[31] â€Å"Social structure may also be manipulated by the intentional activities of actors.†[32] The Marxist based argument is one sided. The bourgeois are the active oppressors, the working class the submissive victims and there is no room for any real dialogue between worker’s desire and capitalist ideology. [33] Also it assumes that capitalist ideology is uniform and coherent. The ideological structure is rarely that simple. Feminist theorists such as Wearing[34] raise the issues of the problem of women’s experiences of leisure. Though raised in Clarke and Crichter’s work, their account does not, perhaps, delve deeply enough into the feminist sociological perspective. The structural and pervasive economic ideology of Marxism is, in many ways, present in feminist accounts, however particular attention should be paid to the fact that this ideology is exclusively the preserve of men, and is not exclusively economic. Theorists such as Butler[35] indicate the problem of explaining women’s position in society while being forced to use the only language available, the language of masculinity. Still further Collins critiques feminism as the preserve of white women only.[36] â€Å"If one ‘is’ a woman then that is surely not all that one is†¦gender intersects with racial, class, ethnic, sexual and regional discursively constituted identities.†[37] In conclusion and as stated above in the introduction to this essay, leisure is very often regarded as having been neglected in the arena of sociological study. Perhaps one of the reasons for this indifference has been the genuine problem of even defining exactly what leisure is. The Marxist tradition has held dominance in the field much since the time of Marx himself. Even those who I have used to criticise some of the Marxist perspectives themselves share many similar views[38]. This is because it is incredibly difficult to understand leisure without its ‘opposite.’ This study is really as much of a study of work as it is of leisure and this author actually can not find fault in that approach. What I do find fault with is the quite often simplistic dualism that is depicted between the two. As Rojek concludes, the edges between work and leisure are blurred and this is something that is important to the future study of leisure. Marxist ideas are frequently accused of being economicly deterministic. Whilst I personally find that accusation a tad harsh, many of the theories outlined above could be accused of considering the economic, the capitalist, a little too much in their theorisations. â€Å"Leisure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœIs action in structure†¦produced by action in the real world of roles and responsibilities as well as the division of race, class, age and gender.†[39] All of these particular characteristics must be considered in any study of leisure. Moorhouse suggests a methodology. â€Å"Weber used the concepts of status group and lifestyle to refer to specific patterns of consumption and culturally based attachments. †[40] What is certain is that by using such concepts, and still further, the sociology of leisure can only broaden its knowledge. Bibliography Roland Barthes Mythologies pub by J. Cape 1972 Roland Barthes Image, music, text pub by Fontana Press 1977 Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 The devil makes work: Leisure in capitalist Britain by J Clarke and C Critcher. Published by Macmillan 1985 Leisure in society, A network structural perspective by Patricia A Stokoswki. Published by Mansell 1994 Ways of Escape by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan Press 1993 Leisure and Feminist Theory by B Wearing. Published by Sage 1998 Gender trouble by Judith Butler. Published by Routledge 1999 Black feminist thought by P H Collins. Published by Routledge 1990 The theory of the leisure class by Thorstein Veblen. Published by The new American library 1959 Footnotes [1] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 Ways of Escape by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan Press 1993 [2] The devil makes work: Leisure in capitalist Britain by J Clarke and C Critcher. Published by Macmillan 1985 p94-95 [3] Ibid p95 [4] Ibid p95 [5] Ibid p96 [6] Ibid [7] Ibid p201 [8] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p78 [9] Ibid p83 [10] Ibid p78 [11] Roland Barthes Mythologies pub by J. Cape 1972 Roland Barthes Image, music, text pub by Fontana Press 1977 [12] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p31 [13] Though Rojek himself reaches many of the same himself conclusions regarding the banality of modern leisure, in particular package tours, travel and tourism. Ways of Escape by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan Press 1993 [14] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p53 [15] Ibid p64 [16] The theory of the leisure class by Thorstein Veblen. Published by The new American library 1959 The ruling Bourgeois idea of leisure, for Veblen, was conspicuous consumption, the ostentatious display of wealth through the purchase of commodities. [17] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p69 [18] Ibid p101 [19] Ibid p70 [20] Ibid p70 [21] Ibid p57 [22] Ibid p17 [23] The devil makes work: Leisure in capitalist Britain by J Clarke and C Critcher. Published by Macmillan 1985 pxiii [24] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 [25] Ibid p22 [26] Ibid p25 [27] Ibid p108 [28] Ibid p108 [29] Leisure in society, A network structural perspective by Patricia A Stokoswki. Published by Mansell 1994 p112 [30] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p87 [31] Leisure in society, A network structural perspective by Patricia A Stokoswki. Published by Mansell 1994 p38 [32] Ibid p112 [33] At least not in any meaningful way as we have seen in the above example, from Clarke and Critcher, that the very entry into the market process taints any action with is ideological stigma. [34] Leisure and Feminist Theory by B Wearing. Published by Sage 1998 [35] Gender trouble by Judith Butler. Published by Routledge 1999 [36] Black feminist thought by P H Collins. Published by Routledge 1990 [37] Gender trouble by Judith Butler. Published by Routledge 1999 p6 [38] Ways of Escape by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan Press 1993 [39] Leisure in society, A network structural perspective by Patricia A Stokoswki. Published by Mansell 1994 p37 [40] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p31
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