Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Movements and Reactions of Dogs in Crates and Outside Yards
The Movements and Reactions of Dogs in Crates and Outside Yards At present, several dogs live as treasured cohorts and chums for the young and old similarly and frequently are treated as indispensible elements of the family. However, since most dog owners confine the dogs at home improperly during the day when they go to work, dogs undergo social withdrawal which in turn affects the movements and reactions of dogs.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Movements and Reactions of Dogs in Crates and Outside Yards specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This study discusses the types of movements and reactions exhibited by dogs in the two confinement areas, the crate and the outside yard. According to theoretical and empirical research, dogs confined in yards exhibit unwanted behavior like barking, chewing and digging while those confined in crates exhibit behaviors like hyper impulsivity and social withdrawal. Throughout its early relationship with human being, the dog acted as a gifte d and an indispensible support for survival. In various parts of the globe, dogs were sorted to guard homes, move farm animals and support hunters. However, as our customs developed and modern expertise took the place of most of the dog’s responsibilities, the dog’s working role reduced. At present, several dogs live as treasured cohorts and chums for the young and old similarly and frequently are treated as indispensible elements of the family. However, since most dog owners confine the dogs at home improperly during the day when they go to work, dogs undergo social withdrawal which in turn affects the movements and reactions of dogs. Adjustment difficulties often manifest themselves in form of destructive behaviors, excessive vocalization and hyper active movements (Case 205). It is important to confine dogs properly when one is away from home. Dog trainers and behaviorists report that difficult matters frequently occur in owner-absent dogs that are not confined well , especially those that are usually left in a dog crate for a long time or outside the possessors yard (Dunbar 156).Most dogs never get challenging opportunities that come as a result of exposure to the outside world as they are always confined in yards (Miller 56). While in the yard, the dog intensely goes through social deficiency and thus resorts to barking, chewing and digging so as to alleviate distress. Left alone in the yard, many dogs will spend much time barking so as to reduce boredom and to seek attention from the absent pack (Dunbar 156).Dogs left at home may also bark in reaction to outside stimulus, a threat, physical needs or annoyance (Miller 57). Too much barking is much dangerous once it becomes habitual as changing it is very difficult as long as the dog stays outside.Advertising Looking for term paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Most dogs build up a habit of digging when le ft unattended in the yard (Donaldson 34). Though, some types of dogs are more likely to exhibit digging manners than others, many dogs will finally dig in reaction to a smell, to bury an item, to be reunited with their group, to preserve or diffuse heat, or to amuse themselves. Digging is also hard to stop once developed (Case 207). Dogs left at the outside yard develop destructive chewing. Most dogs in the yard chew so as to alleviate nervousness, monotony or just for pleasure (MC Connell 76). Similar to digging and barking, chewing is a normal canine action that can be foreseen and channeled. Clearly, if we are not there to mediate, this action can lead to damage of property and can cause severe hurt to the dog, such as intestinal obstruction or damage. There are other reactions that are exhibited by dogs that are confined outside. Some dogs will engage in self-damaging actions such as making lick granulomas to ease their nervousness or monotony (Case 207). The enclosure itself ma y strengthen any basic territorial violence in vulnerable dogs. Dogs left outdoor may experience unkind or inconsiderate behavior from human beings, with lasting behavioral effects, or can be uncovered from undomesticated or wandering animals, which can spread infections and parasites (Miller 57). Outdoor dogs can build up storm fears and are at a danger of acquiring heatstroke and hypothermia. Dogs left alone outside tend to jump, scale the barriers, excavate under the fence, or get through electric barriers so as to ease their suffering or to trail some outside stimulus (Case 207). On the other hand, some dogs left indoors are usually confined in crates. Paradoxically, the very tool that is intended to provide safe indoor confinement, the crate, is at times used well or wrongly creating problems instead of reducing them (Donaldson 35). Dogs restricted in crates for extended periods of time may build up unwanted behaviors, and too much crating often aggravates any previous behavior problem. Too much use of the crate can create a dog that is hyper impulsive outside the crate (Donaldson 35). Equally, many dogs that are crated for long durations become depressed. An already existing behavior like hostility or diffidence may strengthen in reaction to the dogs aggravation at being crated too much. Conversely, a crate can act as a dogs cave that is a source of security and relieve in the absence of the owner, if used correctly (Miller 78). Avoiding undesirable behavior by using the right way of confinement at home is easier than regulating unwanted behavior after it has been formed. Since most unwanted behaviors in dogs are caused by feelings of social withdrawal, the owner should provide him with regular exercise so as to ensure that he does not feel isolated the moment the owner leaves for work. At the same time, it’s important for the owner to offer sufficient intellectual stimulation and social contact during hours of leisure.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Movements and Reactions of Dogs in Crates and Outside Yards specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A dog’s movements and reactions are usually determined by the environment of the dog. For the purpose of this research, we have explored the movements and reactions of dogs in different areas of confinement: in the crate and outside yard. By integrating various theoretical frameworks with natural observation we have drawn a concrete conclusion on the topic. Previous studies in this area of study have not managed to do this, making this research unique. Natural Observation For this study, I observed two three ear-old female dogs of the same breed. The owners of the two dogs were both employed in a certain Industrial Company in the city. One dog used to be left indoors in a crate while the other dog used to be left in the outside yard. I observed the frequency at which the two dogs were barking, chewing, m aking lick granulomas, jumping, exhibiting hyper impulsivity and other general unwanted behaviors. I made these observations three times per day for two weeks, in the two different homes. Limitations of the Experimental Evidence The research was limited to only two dogs. The research was limited to only female dogs. The research was limited to a period of three two weeks. Implications Dogs exhibit different reactions and movements when left at home depending on the mode of confinement. Dogs that are usually confined in a crate are usually hyper impulsive, easily aggravated, depressed, hostile and totally withdrawn. On the other hand, dogs confined in the outside yard frequently bark, chew and dig. They also jump around and try to remove barriers that restrict them to their areas of confinement.Advertising Looking for term paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Instead of leaving a dog in a crate, it would be better to confine the dog in a room with barriers when going out for more than five hours. In case one is confining his dog to the crate one should always visit the dog during mid day if it is possible so as to offer social contact to the dog, with the aim of avoiding the development of unwanted behaviors. If this is not possible, acquire the help of a friend, a pet sitter or a neighbor. No dog must be crated all through the day as this is harmful to the dog. Finally, be ready to keep your dog active immediately you reach home. Whether he was restricted when you were not there or not, you cannot expect him to wait for you unwearyingly as you place your feet up and examine the paper, when you get home from work. You should be aware that the dog has been trying to cope with social deficiency the whole day and thus is worthy your complete concentration once you arrive. Obviously you cannot leave your job so as to settle home with your do g, but with arrangement, pre-emptive guidance, and the right confinement, you can create those inescapable times of social separation much less hectic for him. Future Trends Further research can be done on the same but using two different breeds of dogs. As this research was done during the day, another research can be done at night for comparison. Conclusion In conclusion, since most dog owners confine their dogs at home during the day when they go to work, it’s important to do it properly. This will aid in reduce the chances of the dog developing undesired behaviors. As seen from the theoretical and empirical research, both methods of confining dogs; confining the dog in a crate and leaving the dog in the yard; result to different undesirable behaviors. However, confining dogs in a crate results to more severe unwanted behavior. Since we cannot leave work to stay with our dogs, it is preferable to confine dogs in the outside yard. According to the theoretical and empirical research, dogs confined in yards exhibit different unwanted behaviors. While in the yard, the dog intensely goes through social deficiency and thus resorts to barking, chewing and digging so as to alleviate distress. They spend much time barking so as to reduce boredom and to seek attention from the absent pack. Dogs also dig when left unattended in the yard . However, some types of dogs are more likely to exhibit digging manners than others, many dogs will finally dig in reaction to a smell, to bury an item, to be reunited with their group, to preserve or diffuse heat, or to amuse them. Most dogs left in the yard also chew so as to alleviate nervousness, monotony or just for pleasure. Other reactions and movements of dogs in the yard include: self-damaging actions such as making lick granulomas, jumping, scaling the barriers and excavating under the fence. Dogs restricted in crates for extended periods of time may build up unwanted behaviors, and too much crating often aggravates a ny previous behavior problem. Equally, many dogs that are crated for long durations become depressed. An already existing behavior like hostility or diffidence may strengthen in reaction to the dogs aggravation at being crated too much. Case, Linda. The Dog: Its Behavior, Nutrition and Health. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2005. Donaldson, Jean. The Culture Class. London: James and Kenneth Publishers, 1996. Dunbar, Ian. How to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Mc Connell, Patricia. The Other End of the Leash. London: Sage, 2003. Miller, Pat. The Power of Positive Dog Training. London: Thomson Learning, 2008.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Determine Concentration and Molarity
Determine Concentration and Molarity Molarity is one of the most common and important units of concentration used in chemistry. This concentration problem illustrates how to find the molarity of a solution if you know how much solute and solvent are present. Concentration and Molarity Example Problem Determine the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 20.0 g of NaOH in sufficient water to yield a 482 cm3 solution. How to Solve the Problem Molarity is an expression of the moles of solute (NaOH) per liter of solution (water). To work this problem, you need to be able to calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and be able to convert cubic centimeters of a solution into liters. You can refer to the Worked Unit Conversions if you need more help. Step 1 Calculate the number of moles of NaOH that are in 20.0 grams. Look up the atomic masses for the elements in NaOH from the Periodic Table. The atomic masses are found to be: Na is 23.0H is 1.0O is 16.0 Plugging these values: 1 mol NaOH weighs 23.0 g 16.0 g 1.0 g 40.0 g So the number of moles in 20.0 g is: moles NaOH 20.0 g Ãâ€" 1 mol/40.0 g 0.500 mol Step 2 Determine the volume of solution in liters. 1 liter is 1000 cm3, so the volume of solution is: liters solution 482 cm3 Ãâ€" 1 liter/1000 cm3 0.482 liter Step 3 Determine the molarity of the solution. Simply divide the number of moles by the volume of solution to get the molarity: molarity 0.500 mol / 0.482 litermolarity 1.04 mol/liter 1.04 M Answer The molarity of a solution made by dissolving 20.0 g of NaOH to make a 482 cm3 solution is 1.04 M Tips for Solving Concentration Problems In this example, the solute (sodium hydroxide) and solvent (water) were identified. You may not always be told which chemical is the solute and which is the solvent. Often the solute is a solid, while the solvent is a liquid. Its also possible to make up solutions of gases and solids or of liquid solutes in liquid solvents. In general, the solute is the chemical (or chemicals) present in smaller amounts. The solvent makes up most of the solution. Molarity is concerned with the total volume of the solution, not the volume of the solvent. You can approximate molarity by dividing moles of solute by volume of solvent that is added, but this isnt correct and can lead to significant error when a large amount of solute is present.Significant figures can also come into play when reporting concentration in molarity. There will be a degree of uncertainty in the mass measurement of the solute. An analytical balance will yield a more precise measurement than weighing on a kitchen scale, fo r example. The glassware used to measure the volume of solvent also matters. A volumetric flask or graduated cylinder will yield a more precise value than a beaker, for example. Theres also an error in reading the volume, relating to the meniscus of the liquid. The number of significant digits in your molarity is only as many as that in your least precise measurement.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Portfolio Cover Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Portfolio Cover Letter - Essay Example However, the main assignments made me come to the realization that I had a long way to go to become an accomplished writer. The connect assignment, the literature review and rhetorical analysis essay as well as the class wikis were some of the assignments we engaged in and while the first ones were pretty simple, however as they became more structured and complex in nature it became more challenging. Assignments such as the forums, essays and creating my Twitter page about Journey to the west were all helpful in enabling me to better structure my writing and integrate the skills that I had gained from connect assignments. Each subsequent writing assignment enabled me to better my skills and open my mind to new, unique and creative ideas. I had the most difficulty with the wiki assignment since I had not yet learned how to be flexible in my writing enough to provide what was needed by the professor. It was also the first time creating a wiki and while I had thought that the presence of links within the information I was giving was optional, I did not do the assignment with as open a mind as I should have had. I also had a difficult time clearly researching on the provided topic which I think actively contributed to the low grade that I got. I did feel a sense of disappointment but fast came to the realization that I could improve and I therefore decided to take the comments that I had been given to heart instead of looking at it from a negative point of view. The connect assignments were also key in my growth; when we first began, I thought that it would be easy since I was familiar with the use of verbs and shifting tenses however the intensity and difficulty of the assignments got to me and I soon found that I was struggling to keep to the set time for handing in the assignments. However, while I was at times late, my level of engagement in each of the assignments I did was consistent and on point since I was driven by
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Skills and Strengths of a Nutritionists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Skills and Strengths of a Nutritionists - Essay Example Service orientation is the third skill that is necessary for any nutritionist (Anthony, 2006). Whereas employment is based on how much is offered for the position, it is equally necessary for one to be motivated by the desire to serve that the hunger to gain wealth. A needier place is the hospital where the patients feel helpless and their life lies deeply on your hand to serve them without having to consider what you get out of it. As a nutritionist is such a setting, one should be actively looking for a way to offer help to other people. My driving force has always been the desire to serve others and not the gains associated with my service. This skill suits me for a hospital where I will be in a better position to help others who are in need. Fourth is time management which involves managing both one's time and that of others. A chain of activities occurs in a hospital which calls for the need to properly manage one's time so that one does not inconvenience others. A proper time s chedule should be laid down and be followed strictly to improve the efficiency of service. Speaking is also a necessary strength in this practice (Proper, 2009). This skill enables one to convey information to others by talking to them. Speaking to people gives one a platform to convince them to do what is right. In speaking, a nutritionist is able to give advice to both the medical professionals, patients and their families. I have demonstrated a proven ability to effectively communicate verbally to people.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A Book Report on “Heat†By Mike Lupika Essay Example for Free
A Book Report on â€Å"Heat†By Mike Lupika Essay Sportswriter named Mike Lupika intelligently wrote a piece of story that proves life is still beautiful despite the heartbreaks and difficulties. The author also portrays a story that illuminates the truth that a person’s talent is special and must be developed by the one who was gifted as such. The social behavior displayed in the book is very degrading that some of the male characters in the book including their adult friends lied to the authorities (â€Å"Heat†). However, the interesting and notable parts of the fiction are those that mentioned fast food like Mc Donald and those drink and clothing brands that were mentioned in the book. According to Common Sense Media Website, the book entitled â€Å"Heat†has 220 pages and published by Penguin Putnam, Incorporated (â€Å"Heat†). The book is also published last April 16, 2006 and its genre is fiction about sports (â€Å"Heat†). There are many things that can be learned in the book like surviving in a difficult life, ethical standards like honesty, and developing a gift or talent that only a few lucky people can have in this world. Moreover, the book entitled â€Å"Heat†is a story about a boy who is so talented in the field of baseball sports. The story of Michael who is a 12 year-old pitcher tells about being poor and orphaned but with positive attitude in life. The story revolves around the hopes of Michael’s father that his son could play with the Little League World Series. Michael’s difficulties worsened when he was accused by a player and a rival coach that the disclosure of his age was fabricated (â€Å"Heat†). As a result, Michael was suspended from playing baseball after it was divulged and alleged that he was older that he mentioned in his profile as a player. However, Michael was able to face all these problems positively by being cheerful and well-adjusted. Works Cited â€Å"Heat†. 2008. Common Sense Media Website. 8 September 2008 http://www. commonsensemedia. org/book-reviews/Heat. html
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Caring for the Mentally Ill Essay examples -- Health Care, Diseases
Policy Problem: Caring for the Mentally Ill The healthcare system, as a whole, faces many challenges when caring for vulnerable populations. Included in this population are individuals suffering from mental illness. More than 450 million people suffer from a mental health condition (WHO, 2010). Mental health and suicide prevention should be made national priorities. With the lack of resources and public knowledge of this population, healthcare providers are struck with the difficult task of educating the public of the importance of â€Å"mental health for overall health.†Public attitudes, and the stigma attached with mental illness, is a major barrier to treatment. Those suffering from mental illness are deprived of the treatment and support they need due to low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness, derived from the stigma attached by the public. Poor mental health is associated with exclusion from social groups, difficult work environments, unhealthy lifestyles, risk of violence and poor physical health, and viol ations of human rights (WHO, 2010). Access to quality care is lacking, as well as, early mental health screenings and referrals, which should be made a common practice. More research in this area is critical, along with, improved quality of care for mental health. Background SOCIAL FACTORS Individuals living with severe mental illness accounted for 9.8 million adults in the year 2008. Among these, 58.7 percent used mental health services, 40.5 percent received outpatient services, and a little over seven percent received inpatient services for a mental health problem (Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Center, 2009). Globally, there is a chance that one out of four people will experience some kind of mental heal... ...eloping mental illness being high, the need for care is growing. Access to adequate care is an issue for individuals needing mental health services. Lack of, or late treatment, has resulted in a large number of suicides. High cost of coverage for mental illness has been an issue until the pass of the mental health parity act. Other bills and policies have been proposed to benefit those with a mental disorder in order get the care they deserve. The goal is to reduce the stigma with seeking treatment for mental health disorders, to promote health to the younger population with expanded school programs, to treat mental health with the same respect as physical health, and to do early screenings for mental health disorders and substance abuse. Individuals with mental disorders deserve access to quality care. After all, there is no overall health without mental health. Caring for the Mentally Ill Essay examples -- Health Care, Diseases Policy Problem: Caring for the Mentally Ill The healthcare system, as a whole, faces many challenges when caring for vulnerable populations. Included in this population are individuals suffering from mental illness. More than 450 million people suffer from a mental health condition (WHO, 2010). Mental health and suicide prevention should be made national priorities. With the lack of resources and public knowledge of this population, healthcare providers are struck with the difficult task of educating the public of the importance of â€Å"mental health for overall health.†Public attitudes, and the stigma attached with mental illness, is a major barrier to treatment. Those suffering from mental illness are deprived of the treatment and support they need due to low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness, derived from the stigma attached by the public. Poor mental health is associated with exclusion from social groups, difficult work environments, unhealthy lifestyles, risk of violence and poor physical health, and viol ations of human rights (WHO, 2010). Access to quality care is lacking, as well as, early mental health screenings and referrals, which should be made a common practice. More research in this area is critical, along with, improved quality of care for mental health. Background SOCIAL FACTORS Individuals living with severe mental illness accounted for 9.8 million adults in the year 2008. Among these, 58.7 percent used mental health services, 40.5 percent received outpatient services, and a little over seven percent received inpatient services for a mental health problem (Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Center, 2009). Globally, there is a chance that one out of four people will experience some kind of mental heal... ...eloping mental illness being high, the need for care is growing. Access to adequate care is an issue for individuals needing mental health services. Lack of, or late treatment, has resulted in a large number of suicides. High cost of coverage for mental illness has been an issue until the pass of the mental health parity act. Other bills and policies have been proposed to benefit those with a mental disorder in order get the care they deserve. The goal is to reduce the stigma with seeking treatment for mental health disorders, to promote health to the younger population with expanded school programs, to treat mental health with the same respect as physical health, and to do early screenings for mental health disorders and substance abuse. Individuals with mental disorders deserve access to quality care. After all, there is no overall health without mental health.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Assessment for Software Essay
?The use of technology to assess student learning has proven useful which has expanded its use in all learining enviroments. Technology has improved education so vastly that some schools are fully online while others mix campus classes with the virtual setting. This has created a steady growth of innovative software being used to assist teachers and stydents within those settings. Some of the software have becoe essential to education. Applying them in consistent manner helps the student build their foundation for life in our technology driven society. The advent of countless wireless devices has elevated our knowledge base and software has elevated as well. Even though some technologies and softwares are exspensive or require added training, the pros outweigh the cons in terms of benefits. Technology in the classroom has showed its value on numerous levels and assesments is another good example. Since technology had proved useful here, many developers have created multiple programs which allow educators to efficiently apply and review traditional assesments. For example, some tests can be given on computers via the school and online within the comforts of home. The results can be stored and shared easily with parents and other adminstrators within the school district to ensure accuracy. This is good because modifications can be made easily pertaining to the content and other needs for revision. Using these softwares in traditional schools has been so successful that new online schools have come into existence. This type of distance learning leans primarily on software for all assessments. GCU and Walden university are just a few examples of entities that use software for assessments. In education we must have assessments to grasp a view of whats being understood and what needs to be reviewed. These assessments can be formative or summative. Summative assessments are ones given at any time such as pop quizzes or tests after certain content. Formal assessents are given over a time span with multiple activities being took into account. Its helps the teachers rewiew whats being taight to ensure mastery of the content. There is also self assessment and peer assessment which are fors of student assessment. Using assessments is a great tool to ensure students are equally learning whats needed for full understanding of content. A good eaple of an beneficial assessment are mid-term exams. Students get to review their strengths and defiencies and guide further endeavors in the right direction. Technology has changed this aspect as well. Tests can now be taken on computers which is easier to grade and overall more efficient. Results can also be stored digitally for ongoing review. Some applications in this area may require added technological knowledge of teachers but should be easily manuervered by average students of this digital age. Other major aspects that have hindered expanded use of software for assessments are the availability of necessary equipment and qualified instructors to facilitate them. Low income areas don’t have funds for upgrades and most teachers have a knowledge base that predates todays capabilities resulting in a need for extra training. This training can be time consuming and sometimes expensive. Our government is trying to counter these problems with grants for teachers and schools. Even though it can be agreed that software has given assessmnets a needed uplift, they are some situations that digital assessments may not be the most accurate. For example, subjects like advanced science and health require hands on eperiences which would in turn have some traditional assessments. For example, I primarily wanted to take education with emphasis on chemistry online but I was informed I needed to be able to go to a traditional lab because of the content matter and instruction needed to master such. Areas such as language and mathematics don’t have those issues. These challenges have created new curriculum consisting of online mixed with campus courses. Depending on the content, a teacher must be prepared to use new assessment software and traditional assessments. In conclusion, technology has created new means to evaluate everyone involved in our educational system. With the use of software, these assesments can be modified and reviewed easier than ever. Using these This usage has rewards not only in classrooms but in nature with less use of paper, pencils and other tangible products.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Explain the Strengths and Weaknesses of Aquinas’ Cosmological Argument
a) Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Aquinas’ cosmological arguments. The cosmological argument is an a posteriori argument based on the question of the relation of the universe’s existence and God’s existence. This argument focuses on the theory that if the universe exists then something must have caused it to existence, ie. A God or Creator. Supporters of this argument claim that to fully comprehend the existence of the universe, one must rely on a theory of a God however critics would say that due to the inability to prove God’s existence means that the universe cannot be fully explained.Many who don’t support the cosmological believe there doesn’t necessarily need to be an explanation for the universe’s existence as it simply exists. Some strengths of the cosmological argument is that it gives an explanation and reason for the universe as oppose to thinking everything just exists because it does. People may find comfort in th e cosmological argument and believing that a God created the universe as it gives the impression that everything in the universe has a specific purpose instead of just being random.Another strength is due to the argument being an a posteriori argument and it being from everyday experience of the universe. In other words, our experience of the universe aids our understanding that certain aspects of the universe have specific purposes and exist for specific reasons which gives strong support for this argument. The fact that the argument also helps develop an understanding of popular questions helps it to be a strong theory. A question such as ‘Why is there a universe? can be answered with the cosmological argument as believing that God created the universe provides an answer. The ideas on cause and effect, motion and change and contingency are clear and easy to follow making it comprehendible and easy to support. For many people, the idea that God is the cause of the universe is straightforward and no more explanation is required. Aquinas put forward three questions to answer the inquires about God’s existence whilst forming the cosmological argument.There were five proofs which he came up with but his three ways are commonly used as the cosmological argument for the existence of God. The first way is motion, the second is causation and the third way is the idea that God as a necessary being. The first way which Aquinas provided was very focused on the fact that the universe constantly changes and experiences motion which he went on the relate to the change being caused by an original Creator or God. He believed that we can observe that things in the world are always in motion or changing and is changing from a potential state to an actual state.A chain of events causes things to change from one state to another through the process of motion but the chain of movers cannot continue the process of change and motion forever as then there would be no fi rst mover (I. e. God) and then there would be no other movers. Aquinas emphasised that the first mover was not put into motion by anyone else and is essentially God. This makes the cosmological argument a strong argument to support as helps explain the reason why the universe is constantly changing. Aquinas produced the second way of causation also known as the First Cause Argument.This argument concentrated on the fact that cause and effect existed in the world. Aquinas stressed that all events that happened had a cause and must either be infinite or have its starting point in a first cause. Aquinas couldn’t believe in an endless chain of causes and effects and therefore assumed there had to be some first cause, which was God. Aquinas continued this argument to say that nothing can be a cause of itself. This is a large strength of Aquinas’ cosmological argument as things cannot simply bring themselves into existence so the explanation of a first cause is extremely log ical.Aquinas theory of a first cause gives way for God being called the first uncaused cause as he came to existence unlike anything else. The third way of Aquinas’ cosmological argument is about the idea that God is a necessary being. This argument states that because everything in the universe is contingent and dependant on something else for its existence, the universes explanation leads back to something non-contingent. Everything in the universe is dependant on something else which means that once there was a time when nothing existed. This means that the being which created the niverse must have been external to it and also must be a necessary being, aka, must have always existed. Aquinas continued to argue that this necessary being is God and that if God didn’t exist, nothing else would. This logically explains the existence of the universe without it being contradictory of God’s existence, making the argument strong. However, Aquinas’ cosmological argument did receive some criticisms from David Hume. Hume put forward several responses to the cosmological idea, provided an alternative argument to Aquinas’ beliefs.Hume believed that the idea of the necessary being was incoherent and illogical. Also, he questioned the relation between causes and effects and that every event has a cause. His response to this is that the argument provided no proof for events having causes and as humans, we never actually experience causation therefore providing an argument against the first and second way which Aquinas produced. Hume also criticised the idea of the first cause as he implied it was too confusing to follow.The word ‘cause’ itself creates confusion as the first cause doesn’t have anything to do with the actual cause which we understand. There is a contradiction as the world ‘cause’ implies a finite thing whereas a God would be infinite. Hume pointed out that calling God a cause made him seem l ike he belonged with all the other finite beings. Another one of Hume’s arguments against Aquinas’ idea of a first cause was his criticism that there is no proof saying there should be only one first cause or that that first cause was the Christian God.The ‘uncaused cause’ that Aquinas described is a largely different character to the Christian God and Aquinas doesn’t specify of any qualities which God is supposed to behold. Hume labelled this idea illogical as the God Aquinas described was a being out of touch and indifferent to the universe he apparently caused. Hume questioned the necessity of claiming the whole universe has a cause just because it can be explained by a chain of causes. Hume argued that you cannot claim the universe has a cause just because all things in the universe supposedly has a cause.He also claimed that since the universe is beyond our experience, how can we know that the universe has a first cause? Aquinas believed that t he universe could not have just come into existence yet Hume’s argument implied that there is nothing saying that this is not correct and now science can efficiently explain that the universe may have just come into existence randomly. This argument successfully defeats Aquinas’ view about a first cause causing the universe to exist.
Friday, November 8, 2019
9 ways on how to turn your hobby into a successful business
9 ways on how to turn your hobby into a successful business Hobbies are something we enjoy doing when we have free time. Whether it’s painting, playing sports, or even gardening, hobbies help us relax while doing something we love. What if there was a way to get paid to do your hobby? Well, there is! Here are 9 ways you can turn your hobby into a profitable business. It’s time to get paid for something you truly love to do. Source [ Omni Papers ]
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Is Going to College a Waste of Time
Is Going to College a Waste of Time Your whole life, you have been conditioned to believe that you will only get a good job and be successful if you say those four magic words: I’m going to college. More and more researches support the idea that it’s not necessarily true. In fact, although college graduates are more likely to have a higher wage and more stable life, non-college graduates can be just as happy and successful with the right attitude. A Self-Made Life: Can You Survive Without a Degree? Think about it. How many entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and successful businessmen have dropped out of college or never even attended? And, we’re not talking about no-name local success stories. Some of the richest men in the world (Facebook designer Mark Zuckerberg, Macintosh founder Steve Jobs, and Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, just to name a few) dropped out of college to pursue their fame and fortune. In fact, as college costs rise and jobs become more competitive, college graduates are asking whether the 4-year investment of time and money is really worth it. In a recent Salon article, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich eviscerates the higher education model as it currently stands. He says: â€Å"Too often in modern America, we equate â€Å"equal opportunity†with an opportunity to get a four-year liberal arts degree. It should mean an opportunity to learn what’s necessary to get a good job.†For many, that means getting a 2-year vocational degree, taking online courses, or starting their own passion-driven business. Since the unemployment rate for recent grads has increased dramatically since the 2007 recession, many savvy and driven students chose to create their own jobs and with amazing success. College-Bound: The Real Scoop Yet, dropping out of college or not attending is no guarantor of success. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that those who only receive a 2-year degree or less make almost half on average as those who get a 4-year degree. In addition, their unemployment rate is 30% higher on average. A recent report from the Economic Policy Institute shows that states with higher rates of college grads have corresponding wages and jobs, which means that more college grads actually bring up the wages for everyone else. Not only that, but having a college degree is one of the more basic requirements of getting and keeping a job. According to 2011 Pew Research study, 86% of post-graduate students say that their college degree was a good investment for them. Because so many students are getting college degrees, it is often necessary to have a 4-year degree just to stay competitive in many high-paying job markets. Graduating from college has more personally fulfilling benefits as well. According to Census Bureau statistics, people with college educations have almost half the divorce rate of their degree-free peers. Additionally, the recent Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index survey, five of the happiest states on earth (Colorado, Minnesota, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts) have the highest percentages of college graduates. So, What Really Does Makes a Success? Despite the clear benefits of a college education, most Americans agree that education is not as important as attitude. When asked what makes a person successful, the overwhelming response from the Pew Education survey was that hard work (61%) and getting along with people (57%) were more important than education alone (42%). Additionally, Richard St. John recently shared a TED Talk about his research into what makes people successful. In face-to-face interviews with over 500 successful people in every industry imaginable, he found eight key factors that determine success: Passion Hard Work Focus Pushing Boundaries Ideas Consistently Improving Service Persistence What does this mean for your life? It means that you can be happy and successful whether or not you get a college degree. It all depends on how you approach your life. Whether you choose to get a degree or not, you still need the same basic drive to succeed, people skills, and ability to adapt to change. Final Line You can be successful or unsuccessful regardless of whether you get a college degree. People who are dedicated to being successful in their education will get the benefits of the long-term stability and personal connections that degrees generally provide. Those who are dedicated to being successful outside of the walls of a college building can achieve amazing results as long as they work hard enough and have the vision to change the world. No matter what you choose: whether to pursue a degree or not, your true success comes from knowing what you want and making the sacrifices it takes to achieve your goals. And whatever path you choose, you’ll have satisfaction in your choice. Finally, you’ll be able to say those truly magical four words: I knew I could. Do you think it is worth going to college? What benefits and drawbacks of college do you see? Your opinion is always welcome here!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Article Review pertaining to Ethics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Review pertaining to Ethics - Article Example Most of these stories flowing within the companies are well established and openly expressed narratives with a clear design. However, some stories are fragmented and hidden from the public lime light. Stories have a moral position within organizations as they contain and deal with both bad and good issues. We can therefore conclude that story telling is a suitable tool for studying ethics within organizations (Gabriel, 2004). Stories on the other hand can be informative of leadership styles used within a company. This is because stories may refer to more democratic and empowering leadership. Instead of direct and intimidating command, stories are interpreted with a view to influence the listener or the follower. On the contrary, an empowering story may turn out to be disempowering to the follower or precisely to employees in an organization. Stories can also be used as a seduction or manipulation tool to staff in an organization. Manipulation in many cases is viewed as a non-ethical way of leadership. The use of hidden power is accounted for as stories are seen as latent way to influence followers (Boje, 2001). Plato stated that anyone who narrates the story governs. To further clarify; this means the narrator has the ability to influence followers through a discursive reality. The narrator can create a publicly expressed social reality and shape it to their desired motives. This places focus on ethical dimensions in leadership stories. Through this, an individual may have either good or bad intentions while narrating their story. The narrator may purse to conceal his intentions with manipulation unknowingly to the listener on the power wield attempts falling upon them. Thus, such a position of leadership is termed as bad and unethical (Ciulla, 2005). This begs the question of what kind of leader possess powerful story telling techniques and resources. A charismatic leader
Friday, November 1, 2019
Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Russia - Essay Example The site is beloved by Russians and visitors around the world; hence, making it a valuable example of a cultural landscape (Moscow.Info). From the observations, the Cathedral Square represents a rich cultural history of the Russian Republic. It symbolizes the rule of Tsarist. It was constructed by Ivan the Great. Additionally, the area acts as a center of power, coronation, and an assembly for the nobles, as well as different ceremonial rituals. The Kremlin wall is a vast enclosure of the buildings contained within the Kremlin. The wall creates an impression of a small city. The Grand Kremlin Palace hosts cultural performances from the Kremlin Ballet. The buildings in the Moscow Kremlin link the country to its legendary past (Geographia). The towers and domes of the St. Basil Cathedral have an important cultural history. At first, eight domes were constructed, representing the eight attacks on Kazan. The different colors and shapes of the cathedral are unique and unmatched anywhere in the world; thus, making it a cultural heritage of the Russian people. The bronze statue commemorates Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, who led a volunteer army against the Polish invasion in the 16th and 17th Century. From the above accounts, it is evident the St. Basil’s Cathedral is one of the cultural landscapes of Russia (Sacred-Destinations) The apartment blocks are unique; hence, they are part of the cultural landscape of the Russian Republic. The construction of these apartment blocks epitomizes the communal living advocated by the Soviet ideology (Obrazkova) The mosque is located in downtown St. Petersburg, and has a cultural and historical meaning to the Muslim community of Russia. The construction of the structure began in 1910; hence, the mosque has been in existence for more than 100 years (Admin). Cultural landscapes are of great importance to any country. They represent the identity of a people and the manner in which humankind co-existed in a given
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