Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Business to Business Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Business to Business Marketing - Assignment Example The company under question Cloud Creative Solutions Ltd. is found to work more based on the tool of personal selling while reaching the goods and services produced to the customers. Other than focusing on personal selling alone the company can also render focus on a large number of other marketing communication tools while marketing its different services conducted in the marketing sphere. The different marketing communication tools consist of both traditional means and also other sophisticated modes which depend on the use of internet and digital media. Traditional tools of marketing communication consists of advertising activities on a media plane like use of magazines, newspapers and through other visual and audio modes like radio and television. Moreover advertisements made at various places through the use of billboards can also be used by the company. Cloud Creative Solutions can also market the range of services offered through pasting of advertisements on transport vehicles a nd in entertainment venues like cinema houses. Other forms of marketing communication tools used by retail companies are using different forms of signage both inside and outside the store to attract the attention of consumers. Again the company can work to sponsor large number of events like sports, entertainment and other arts and crafts activities to help gain the views of large number of people. This also helps in enhancing the social image of the company to the external world. The company can also focus on the generation of events like trade shows wherein the consumers get the enlarged view of the different products and services marketed by the company from time to time. Cloud Creative Solutions can also create huge customer hype through the rendering of discounts, promotional coupons, bonus and other price and economy packs to the consumers. The company can also engage in the generation of contests and other sweepstakes to encourage the consumers participate in such events in l arge numbers and thereby gain access and knowledge of the services rendered. Thus Cloud Creative Solutions can depend greatly on the above discussed marketing tools rather than depending greatly on public relations and personal selling to market the large sphere of marketing services. These marketing communication tools in total constitute the realm of promotional tools in the marketing activities of the company (Shimp, 2008, p.7-8). While analyzing the above marketing communication tools it can be inferred that the emergence of the internet would effectively help service marketing companies like Cloud Creative Solutions to gain the attention of large number of consumers both in local and international markets. Moreover through the help of internet marketing the companies can present to the customers lucrative websites containing a large array of information pertaining to the different products and services rendered and thus helps the consumers to make effective choices. Again the i nternet is used as an effective marketing communication tool in that it helps in the spreading of marketing messages of the company to users spread along international boundaries in a highly faster mode than that of other traditional marketing tools depending on digital and printed media. Further the use of mobile communication is also considered as an effective mode for marketing communi
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Post Apartheid Public Administration and Batho Pele
Post Apartheid Public Administration and Batho Pele DEFINITION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION According to Nigro (1988): â€Å"Public Administration (i) is a cooperative group effort in a public setting; (ii) covers all the three branches executive, legislative and judicial, and their inter-relationship; (iii) has an important role in the formulation of public policy and is thus part of the political process; (iv) is different in significant ways from private administration; and (v) is closely associated with numerous private groups and individuals in providing services to the community.†Nigro, F.A., 1988.Modern Public Administration. 5th ed. x: Harpercollins College Div As per Willoughby (1927): â€Å"The term administration may be employed in Political Science in two senses. In its broadest sense it denotes the work involved in the actual conduct of governmental affairs, regardless of the particular branch of government concerned. It is, thus, quite proper to speak of the administration of the legislative branch of the government, the administration of justice or judicial affairs, or the administration of the executive branch as well as the administration of the affairs of the administrative branch of the government, or the conduct of the affairs of the government generally. In its narrowest sense, it denotes the operations of the administrative branch only. As students of Public Administration we are concerned with the narrowest meaning of the term.†Willoughby, W.F., 1927. Principles of Public Administration. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press Jayapalan, N., 2000. Public Administration. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors. Page 2 Rosenbloom (1989) said: â€Å"Public Administration does involve activity, it is concerned with politics and policy-making, it tends to be concentrated in the executive branch of government, it does differ from private administration, and it is concerned with implementing law. Public Administration is the use of managerial, legal and political theories and processes to fulfil legislative, executive and judicial governmental mandates for the provision of regulatory and service functions for the society as a whole or for some segments of it.†David H Rosenbloom, 1989.Public administration: Understanding management, politics, and law in the public sector. 2nd Edition. Random House. To sum up the 3 definitions, Public Administration is carried out in the public interest, irrespective of the governmental system of that nation. It is also seen as the policies, procedures, rules and regulations of governmental functions or operations, in action. It interacts with various groups or individuals, including the private sector in providing a better service to the community or public. HISTORY The concept of Public Administration dates back to the early Greeks. About 400 B.C Plato identified a split between management and a democratic system. The Greeks became more cultured and started nominating leaders and grasp the idea of Public Administration. (10 Interesting Facts About the History of Public Administration 2008) According Popejoy (2013), most experts believe Woodrow Wilson to be the founder of modern Public Administration. He suggested that the first secretary of Treasury in the United States of America, Alexander Hamilton, were the first person to coin the phrase â€Å"public administration†, to define his responsibilities as a Cabinet Minister. Hamilton, together with Thomas Jefferson, the first Secretary of State in the United States, created a support system where electorates are bartered with by the promise of jobs, better public service and other tactics by politicians running for administration. (10 Interesting Facts About the History of Public Administ ration 2008) In 1887, Woodrow Wilson, published an essay in the Political Science Quarterly entitled â€Å"The Study of Administration†, where he attempted in explaining the study of administration. He noted the more complicated and evolving the society become, the responsibility and duty of the government, will increase. He further addressed the issue of public administration as the ordering of government to ensure that business rules are followed and the fortifying of the organisation to fulfil its duties. (Akindele, Oloapa Obiyan 2002) Frank Goodnow’s Politics and Administration (1990), highlighted â€Å"the will of the state†and recognised politics as the representation and administration the implementation of this will. He also identified the possible battle between these two areas to achieve accord. Leonard, D. White’s book: Introduction to the Study of Public Administration (1926) and W.F. Willoughby’s Principles of Public Administration (1927), added to the work of Goodnow. There was however, a considerable disagreement in how they saw the legitimate control of public administration. White considered the President of the United States as the Chief Administrator, but Willoughby the Congress. The crux of the matter is that there are two different roles of government, namely outcome and implementation. Implementation is the area of public administration. (Akindele, Oloapa Obiyan 2002) Since post-World War II, the nature of Public Administration has changed. One of the reasons were the incapability to separated politics from administration and that it was only a false border between these two divisions. Emphasis are placed on how ethical and independent are public administration officials with regards to politics and policy-making. This places some challenges on the practice of public administration as well as conflict of interest which require impartiality from the public. (International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 1968) PUA IN POST APARTHEID SYSTEM The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), gives a clear indication of how Public Administration should be managed and executed. Some of these principles are; â€Å"A high standard of professional ethics must be promoted and maintained. (b) Efficient, economic and effective use of resources must be promoted. (c) Public administration must be development-oriented. (d) Services must be provided impartially, fairly, equitably and without bias. (e) People’s needs must be responded to, and the public must be encouraged to participate in policy-making. (f) Public administration must be accountable. (g) Transparency must be fostered by providing the public with timely, accessible and accurate information. (h) Good human-resource management and career-development practices, to maximise human potential, must be cultivated. (i) Public administration must be broadly representative of the South African people, with employment and personnel management practices ba sed on ability, objectivity, fairness, and the need to redress the imbalances of the past to achieve broad representation. (Department of Justice and Constitutional Development n.d.) According to Popejoy (2013) â€Å"In addition, section 195(1) of the Constitution prescribes basic values and principles for Public Administration†. Through the Bill of Rights, it offers civilians of South Africa the right to act against the State if they deem their rights were disregarded. Public Service to the South African citizens is not a benefit, but a legal right. Service delivery should be of high importance to all national and provincial departments. After 1994, the State’s focus with regards to Public Administration was to first convert and unite the different administrations of the previous government as well as the management of the different homelands into one administration system. According to Chapter 10 of the Constitution, the Public Service Commission (PSC), an independent institution, was created to concentrate on the Public Service and supervision of public administration. This institution is neutral and no other department of the State can intervene in the operations of the PSC. (Public Service Commission 2014:1) Franks (2014:50) reminds us that South Africa had to create a proper structure, based on the ideals of the Constitution to rule and oversee conflicts of interest to ensure public service delivery to the South African public. The process of change in the public service were clouded by the conflict between the need for a well organised, competent and politically impartial public service versus a new political period and change in the society of South Africa. Therefore, with regards to the above evidence, we can deduce that Public Administration is still very relevant in the contemporary society in South Africa. It is part our Constitution and has a legal implementation attached to it. It is funded by the taxes of the public and therefore must be accountable to the public. BATHO PELE In October 1997, the Department of Public Service and Administration realised that they had to get their house in order and therefore the need to document the philosophy of service delivery to improve their proficiency and responsibility in implementation of their duties. The Public Service was perceived as not being approachable and required expertise, skill and the right mind-set to meet the challenges of the old bureaucratic culture. Thus the operational ability had to change. Therefore the department launched the Batho Pele Principles, also called the â€Å"White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery†. (Batho Pele 1997) Batho Pele, a SeSotho word meaning â€Å"putting our people first†, was an effort to improve the implementation of service levels and delivery to a more acceptable level. A culture of putting the customer (the people) first, needed to be embraced, much like the private sector, to ensure they serve the needs of the public. (Education Training Unit n.d.) According to Batho Pele (1997) their slogan were: â€Å"We belong, we care, we serve.†Describing it as follow: â€Å"We belong: we are part of the Public Service and should work together and respect fellow colleagues. We care: caring for the public we serve – our customers. We serve: all citizens will get good service from public servants.†Batho Pele (1997) identified eight principles to develop within the different departments to operate as an adequate policy and judicial structure concerning service delivery in the public service. These ideologies are in line with the concepts of the Constitution, mentioned earlier in this paper. The eight Batho Pele Principles are as follow: (Batho Pele 1997; Education Training Unit n.d) Consultation The public are allowed to say what they want with regards to public service. The public can be asked for their opinions on existing public services as well as other basic services they would like. All levels of the public will be interviewed or surveyed and their views will then be communicated to the Ministers, MEC’s and legislators. Service Standards This is to ensure that promises that were made are kept. All national and provincial departments will publish their service standards for new and existing services. Standards will be examined and cannot be lowered and will be monitored on an annual basis and will be raised increasingly. Access Each individual in the country should have access to receive their fair share of services. Departments will be targeted to offer citizens access to public servants and services. Special programmes must be implemented to develop service delivery to physically, socially and culturally disadvantaged individuals Courtesy The public can expect not to be treated with disrespect, but with kindness and understanding. All departments had to incorporate these standards of treatment into their various Codes of Conduct and training programmes. Regular on-going staff performance appraisals had to be monitored Information The public are entitled to complete and correct facts about services they are permitted to receive. Information should be provided at service points, as well as the local media in the different languages and all departmental communications must include comprehensive contact details. Openness and transparency Administration should be and open book to the public and they have the right to know the departmental numbers and particulars of officials. Furthermore, access to the expenditure and performance against the prescribed standards must also be available. Reports will be published and submitted to the legislature. Redress The public’s complaints must lead to action. Public dissatisfaction must be recorded and all staff must be trained on how to handle the grievances fast and efficiently. The public can also expect feedback on the outcome of a complaint. Value for Money The public’s money, such as VAT and taxes, should be spend sensibly in the administration of the country. Departments must be able to provide the public with proof of improved service delivery and proper expenditure of the funds. The public has the right to insist that their money should be used suitably. By improving the public service delivery will benefit the whole society. Improved delivery from national and provincial departments is essential for the future prosperity and development of the country. The monitoring is done by the Department of Public Service and Administration in conjunction with the Public Services Commision. (Education Training Unit n.d.) References ASPA National Weblog. 2013.Alexander Hamilton vs Woodrow Wilson. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 February 15]. Masters in Public Administration. 2008.10 Interesting Facts About the History of Public Administration. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 February 15]. Akindele, S.T., Oloapa, O.R. Obiyan, A.S. 2002. The Theory of Public Administration and Its Relevance to Nigerian Administrative Ecology. Journal of Social Science, 6(4): 247 – 256. Availabe at Encyclopedia. 1968.International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 February 15]. Public Administration.International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 1968. Accessed 7 February 2015 from Department of Justice and Constitutional Development n.d.,Chapter 10 Public Administration. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 February 15]. Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA). 1997, Batho Pele – â€Å"People First†: White paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery, viewed 7 February 2015. Public Service Commission. 2014.The Constitutional and Legislative Mandate of the Public Service Commission Explained. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 February 15]. Franks, P.E., 2014. The Crisis of the South African Public Services.The Journal of the Helen Suzman Foundation, [Online]. 74, 48-56. Available at:[Accessed 07 February 2015]. Education Training Unit. n.d.,Batho Pele: Improving Government Service. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 February 15]. David H Rosenbloom, 1989.Public administration: Understanding management, politics, and law in the public sector. 2nd Edition. Random House.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Character Development Program of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools :: Education CMS Essays
The Character Development Program of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS), with the support of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, recently received a four-year, 1.83 million dollar grant from the United States Department of Education to implement a character development program for students. This program is designed to integrate character development into classroom instruction and to ensure parental and community involvement in character development initiatives. The program has existed for one year. The purpose of this paper is to overview the goals and activities of the program. The program goals are to: (1) enhance character development among CMS students; (2) identify the extent to which students in the treatment group exhibit fewer instances of negative behavior as a result of exposure to character development activities; (3) enhance the understanding and involvement of parents and families in school-based character education efforts; and (4) increase the involvement of the faith and social communities in school-based character education efforts in CMS. The goals of the program are being measured through multiple data collection techniques  ¡V surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, and review of existing data. Evaluation of the program is both formative and summative. Using a quasi-experimental design with carefully matched comparison conditions, twenty-five elementary, middle, and high schools with more than 24,000 students (i.e., the treatment group) are being exposed to an array of character development initiatives. These schools have been matched with demographically similar schools (i.e., the control group) that are not receiving these initiatives. Baseline data for goals and objectives were obtained during the 2002-2003 school year for the purpose of comparison with data obtained during subsequent years of the program. We expect that this program will decrease office referrals and suspensions, increase attendance, and increase the number of students participating in service learning at a statistically significant level. In addition, we expect that Parent-Teacher Association attendance and parental awareness of good character will increase. Also, we anticipate an increase in involvement in schools of the faith and business communities, a fusing of character and religious teachings within the faith community, and an increase in the in-kind and financial support of the schools from the business and social community. During the next three years, CMS central office will support the treatment schools' efforts to enhance character development by: . Developing a guide for parents that describes how families can teach and model
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Michael Sells 10/29/2012 Period:3rd Reputation Essay In life today there are numerous people that have different views on reputation. Reputation could be a desired thing to for people that worry about what people think of them. In a reversal view of reputation, some people don’t care what people think about them and go on about their life being who they truly are. All throughout history athletes in sports are sometimes viewed by their reputation and what others think about them.With good reputation people will look up to them and follow them in their life to try to be like them, and a lot of athletes love that. Athletes with bad reputations are most of the time, very dis-liked. An example of that would be Terrell Owens, because people see him on and off the field smack talking and being cocky everywhere he goes and the majority of the people hate that and start to get mad when they see him because of his reputation. In my opinion reputation is an important thing to have in lif e. With a good reputation, one would be treated better by people, better liked, and go further in life.I say that because, if there is an opportunity in person’s job where they can get a raise or move up from the position they are in, that person is more likely to succeed in that, than a person with a bad reputation. A person with a bad reputation won’t get the opportunity to be in the same position as the other person with the good reputation because; they wouldn’t be trusted as well. Shakespeare writes â€Å"reputation is an idle and most false imposition, oft got without merit and lost without deserving†the significance of that quote pertaining to the play is that the line is spoken by Iago who is the villain to Cassio.Cassio at that time fallen into dishonor, causing Othello to dismiss him as an officer, and Cassio is devastated and cries out â€Å"Reputation! Reputation! Reputation! O I have lost my reputation! †In the part of the quote that says â€Å"reputation is an idle and most false imposition.. †, and Iago tries to convince Cassio is that reputation is an empty and entirely imaginary â€Å"false†thing. Also that many people who have a good reputation, haven’t done anything to earn it, which is the â€Å"merit†part of the quote. Then â€Å"†¦ without deserving†means that, many people who have lost reputation haven’t done anything to deserve the loss of it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Product Life Cycle Concept Essay
Michael Porter’s framework of competitive analysis is applicable to our business organization known as D.T.DOBIE TANZANIA LTD which falls under the automobile industry in Tanzania and worldwide in the following ways: A.Barriers to entry/threat of new entrants. It’s true that the average person can’t come along and start selling brand new cars. The emergence of foreign competitors with the capital, required technologies and management skills began to undermine the market share of brand new car sellers. The following factors are barriers to automobile seller’s new entrants: * Knowledge and Technology Ideas and knowledge of servicing its supplied products is the one that provides competitive advantage to D.T Dobie over others. D.T Dobie uses machines of highest technology on checking and servicing its cars in which, gives them power to provide guarantee of up to one year service to its product since they are assured of what they are doing. The machines used by the skilled labor of D.T Dobie to service and check the product are of high quality and they are very expensive in such a way that for new entrants firm in that business its an ownership barrier. * Access to distribution The demand for brand new cars in Tanzania is very low since they are sold at price that individual can’t afford. D.T Dobie is a greater supplier of brand new cars to Tanzania government institution, most United Nations (UN) organizations such as UNICEF, ILO, UNESCO, representative’s offices in Tanzania and embassies offices. Since these agencies are the most buyers of brand new cars, it has made D.T Dobie to have almost the access to distribution channel of selling brand new cars in which this act as barrier to new entrants since the buyers are few. * Cost of entry Initial capital required to set up a new firm is very high, it makes the chances of new entrants to be very less. * Product differentiation and cost advantage The product has to be different and attractive to be accepted by the customers. D.T Dobie is the greater seller of brand new NISSAN, MITSUBISHI, MERCEDES BENZ, HONDA and HYUNDAI in which made them different from its competitor since it sells many brands than others. By being supplier of government cars has made them to be exempted when importing cars for government institution uses. B. Bargaining power of suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers is also described as the market of inputs. Suppliers of raw materials, components, labor, and services (such as expertise) to the firm can be a source of power over the firm, when there are few substitutes. Suppliers may refuse to work with the firm and also may charge excessively high prices for unique resources. For organization of our choice i.e. D.T Dobie its suppliers for motor vehicles are TOYOTA, NISSAN, MITSUBISHI and MERCEDES BENZ. D.T Dobie is the seller of brand new car in Tanzania where by its inputs i.e. imported new cars from great multinational companies are so important for its survival, this leads the suppliers having great power over D.T Dobie since it’s not manufacturer but the buyer of finished product. Increase in production cost to one of suppliers on specified product may lead to switching cost which will be relative to D.T Dobie switching cost. Degree of differentiation of inputs: D.T Dobie supplier’s supply different brands in which is difficult for them to switch from one supplier to another. For example if they are required by its customers i.e. government to supply cars that’s engine capacity is V8 that pushes them to deal with TOYOTA since other suppliers are not producing cars with that engine capacity. For parts suppliers, the life span of an automobile is very important. The longer a car stays operational, the greater the need for replacement parts. On the other hand, new parts are lasting longer, which is great for consumers, but is not such good news for parts makers. C. Bargaining power of customers: Buyers refer to the customers who finally consume the product or the firms who distribute the industry’s product to the final consumers. Bargaining power of buyers refer to the potential of buyers to bargain down the prices charged by the firms in the industry or to increase the firms cost in the industry by demanding better quality and service of product. Since our organization of our choice D.T Dobie supplies and sell brand new cars in Tanzania, its customers are few since who can afford to buy brand new cars are government institution, most united nations (UN) organizations such as UNICEF, ILO, UNESCO, representatives offices in Tanzania, embassies offices and individuals who can afford to do so. Since its customers only want quality and guaranteed products this act as driving force to D.T Dobie to supply not only quality products but also quality parts and servicing those cars for the whole year as guarantee after being sold out. Since D.T Dobie is greater supplier of brand new NISSAN, MITSUBISHI, MERCEDES BENZ etc. cars in Tanzania availability of substitute products such as FORD, RANGE ROVER, LAND ROVER which are supplied by its competitors like CMC motors and sold at same or at lower price than D.T Dobie’s have made some of its customers to shift to those brands as it’s known customers are very sensitive to price. Most of those mentioned above customers purchase in large quantities. They have full information about the product and the market. They emphasize upon quality products. They pose credible threat of backward integration. In this way, they are regarded as a threat. D. Threat of Substitute Products: Substitute products are goods or services from outside a given industry that perform similar or the same functions as a product that the industry produces. Rather than looking at the threat of someone buying a different car, there is also a need to also look at the likelihood of people taking the bus, train or airplane to their destination. When determining the availability of substitute’s time, money invested, personal preferences and convenience in the auto travel industry should be considered. D.T.Dobie should consider the following factors when analyzing this force: * Price Band The threat that consumer will switch to a substitute product if there has been an increase in price of the product or there has been a decrease in price of the substitute product. If the price of the cars sold by D.T.Dobie will increase the main expected customers i.e. the one switching from bike to car will not move to car and will remain in the bike only. Thus the price is kept checked in this manner. * Substitutes performance The performance of the substitute sector also plays an important role in the success of the business. If the price of other dealers such as Africariers increases or the price band of the small segment falls, it will have effect on the quantity required in the market. It’s just on the price but also the features and the other services associated or it may be the status symbol story. * Buyers willingness Products with improving price/performance tradeoffs relative to present industry products. It will determine the willingness of the buyer to buy from D.T.Dobie.The willingness of the customers to go forward to try the new product in the market such as Mercedes Benz reduces the threat from substitute products. E. Competitive Rivalry: This force analyses the level of competition between existing players in the industry. Because an industry’s firms are mutually dependent, actions taken by one company usually invite competitive responses. Thus in many industries firms actively compete against one another. Highly Competitive industries generally earn low returns because the cost of competition is high. The auto industry is considered to be an oligopoly (a market condition in which sellers are so few that actions of any one of them will materially affect price) which helps to minimize the price-based competition. Below are factors which are seen in this force: * Price Competition Advertising battles may increase total industry demand, but may be costly to smaller competitors. Products with similar function limit the prices firms can charge. Price competition often leaves the entire industry worse off.. * Product Quality Increasing consumer warranties or service is very common these days. To maintain low cost, companies consistently has to make manufacturing improvements to keep the business competitive. This requires additional capital expenditure which tends to eat up company’s earning. On the other hand if no one else can provide products/ services the way you do you have a monopoly. D.T.Dobie enjoys the monopoly of selling new cars are there are no competitors in this segment. * Unique Selling Point Also D.T. Dobie has advantage over its rivals because it represents a premium brand which is recognized over the world, they found a niche in the market where have a leading brand like Mercedes-Benzes a and a brand which people aspire to own .Also they are lucky to have Nissan one of the most renowned Japanese brands which is an equal pillar of their business. * Expansion DT Dobie is looking to grow and move forward, both in its native Tanzania and in surroundings regions. By building strong relationships and working closely with strategic partners, DT Dobie’s footprint keeps on growing. Also they are expanding by appointing more dealers around the country. * Investment In terms of investing in our own equipment, this takes priority; they put all eyes on technology so they are not behind the rest of the world. Even if the latest technical advancement s are available to the company, DT Dobie makes sure any investment is benefiting to the organization as a whole .Every five years D.T. Dobie has an equipment review which makes sure the company is on right track, ensures investments have been successful and assesses whether upgrades need to be made in order to reach the next level, they are absolutely up to date. Also ensures that its vehicle testing equipment has modern standards which outnumber it from its rivals. CONCLUSION: In general, any CEO or a strategic business manager is trying to steer his or her business in a direction where the business will develop an edge over rival firms. Michael Porter’s model of Five Forces can be used to better understand the industry context in which the firm operates. Porter’s Five Forces model is a strategy tool that is used to analyze attractiveness of an industry structure. Porter’s Five Forces model views the business from inside and outside. It focuses on assessing competitive position within the industry.
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